I recently came across the following Hadith and I am curious about the implications of it:

Ali narrated that one day the Messenger of Allah was sitting with a wooden stick in his hand with which he was scratching the ground. He raised his head and said, “There is none of you, but has his place assigned either in the Fire or in Paradise.” They (the Companions) inquired, “O Allah’s Messenger! Why should we carry on doing good deeds, shall we depend (upon Qadar) and give up work?” Muhammad said: “No, carry on doing good deeds, for everyone will find it easy (to do) such deeds that will lead him towards that for which he has been created.” Then he recited the verse: “As for him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allah and fears Him, and believes in al-Husna, We will make smooth for him the path of Ease (goodness) (Surah al-Lail 92:5-7). Sahih Muslim

Some people are hard-working while others are lazy. In the context of this Hadith, can it be said that certain people are destined to succeed while others are meant to fail?

  • Read 1 rukoo of the Quran?
    – Casanova
    Commented Jun 21, 2017 at 0:38
  • @Casanova I meant one section.
    – a_sid
    Commented Jun 21, 2017 at 0:42
  • You mean one juz or chapter of the 30 chapters of the Qu'ran or just a random bit of verses? Commented Jun 21, 2017 at 1:46
  • @Armaan I am not entirely sure but I think it is called a "hizb-quarter". Allah knows best.
    – a_sid
    Commented Jun 21, 2017 at 2:36
  • Are there 30 of them? Commented Jun 21, 2017 at 7:08

1 Answer 1


Some people are lazy. whether it's by their nature and they did not change it , or if they just like becoming so.

They have choice.

According to the hadith , it is affirming that Allah knows the destiny of all people.

so , wheteher they will be "lazy" , or will be lazy at first but will change themselves later , or not lazy at first but became lazy , or not lazy at all .. etc. It is all previously known by God .

Does it mean that a person should be lazy or do nothing , since everything is known previously ? "No, carry on doing good deeds" or as the prophet said peace and blessings be upon him .

check here https://islamqa.info/en/49039:

"Ruling on citing al-qadar (divine will and decree) as an excuse for committing sin or failing to do obligatory duties: "

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