Some form of evidence is certainly required as the hadith says:
إذا زنت الأمة فتبين زناها فليجلدها
If a lady slave commits illegal sexual intercourse and she is proved guilty of illegal sexual intercourse, then she should be flogged
— Bukhari and Muslim
However it is not always necessary for the proof to be four witnesses.
In general jurisprudence, the sources of proof for passing judgement include the following:
Witnesses - meaning when trustworthy people testify that they have observed the act taking place. The number of required witnesses can vary depending on the nature of the case, for Zina it is four.
Confession - meaning when the culprit himself accepts that he has committed the act
Clear circumstantial evidence, such as
- in the Hadd of Zina: the onset of pregnancy in a free woman who is not married
- in the Hadd of Drinking: drunkenness and vomit that has the smell of wine
Knowledge of the judge. This means when he sees and hears the act himself.
There are a few more but I will not list them here as that is tangential to the topic.
As far as cases of Hudood are concerned: The validity of the first two is agreed upon, the validity of the third one is disputed.
The fourth one (knowledge of the judge) is also disputed. The vast majority do not entertain it as valid evidence in most Hudood, but some do accept it. Those who do argue that it is analogous to confession and witnesses, as when the judge can accept a confession then he should also accept what he has witnesses himself as that is more certain and absolute. Further, this applies for free people, there is greater disagreement on the case of slaves who are being judged and punished by their owners.
The Malikis have explicitly stated that an owner can not enforce Hudood based on his own knowledge.
فقال مالك: يقيم السيد على عبده حد الزنى وحد القذف إذا شهد عنده الشهود، ولا يفعل ذلك بعلم نفسه
Malik said: The master applies, to his slave, the hadd of unlawful intercourse and of false accusation of intercourse, if the witnesses render testimony before him, but he does not apply it on the basis of his own knowledge
— Bidaayat al-Mujtahid
While the Hanbalis have stated that he can enforce punishment based on his own knowledge:
وإن ثبت موجب الحد بعلمه أي السيد فله إقامته لأنه قد ثبت عند ذلك كما لو أقر به ولأنه يملك تأديبه
An owner can enforce the Hadd on his slave when it is proven based on his personal knowledge as it becomes proven to him just like it is proven through a confession and because he has the authority to discipline the slave (in other matters without requiring witnesses)
— Kashshaaf al-Qinaa’ also see al-Mughni
So, to answer your question:
Are 4 witnesses required for Slaves?
Not necessarily. Evidence is required but it can also be confession or pregnancy. And some rarer madhabs might allow it when the owner himself has witnessed zina taking place.