A Muslim woman may be instructed that her behavior is considered part of the female hijab, and she should avoid displays of femininity, such as softening your voice (IslamWeb), and instead adopt straightforward behavior (Islamic Bulletin). I wonder if the same is symmetrically true for men.

Question: Is avoiding overt displays of masculinity part of the male hijab?

It seems the risks associated with a woman acting feminine outweigh the risks associated with a man acting masculine. Nevertheless, I'm not aware of a reason there would be a distinction between men and women in this context.

  • I agree. I'd think if a women should strive to straightforward behaviour a man should do that too. What do you mean with hijab because according to google it means a veil for covering your hair?
    – user24306
    Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 10:38

1 Answer 1


I believe the logic here , is that Islam knows men are weak , so the hijab is the answer to that weakness , it not only covers the woman's beauty (physically) but also hides her femininity from any misinterpretation of flirtation by a man , whether a lustful man or a well-meaning man who is simply confused , also to protect her from showing weakness to someone with evil intentions .
Now putting this in perspective , asking about whether men should hide their masculinity in order to avoid the aforementioned seems counter intuitive , because male masculinity is quite the opposite of making someone vulnerable to another person's evil intentions .
However ,if this masculinity was part of a "flirty" behavior from men to impress women ,etc... , it seems that it would invoke a similar ruling .
Personal opinion disclaimer btw .
This doesn't seem to be a covered topic by fiqh ,and it is quite the hypothetical topic , so I thought I would give my two cents as a Muslim .

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