Lately I have been really disappointed by my life. Nothing goes as I have planned and I fail in almost everything I do.
I feel like I am failing in this life and as I am not a good Muslim (I do not pray 5 times a day or follow the path of sunnah) I will fail in my after-life too.
So lately I have been wondering about the purpose of life. Were we humans only created so we could go about living our lives, praying 5 times a day, follow the path of sunnah and then just die?
Even if we all go to Jannah and live happily forever, what then?
Why were we humans created? Is there a bigger-than-life purpose of our existence?
P.S. please don't say that my Imaan is not strong or as I don't pray 5 times a day, that is why I am failing in this life. I know a lot of people who are really bad i.e. they do not have morals. They cheat, bribe, consume alcohol and do adultery and still they are living a damn happy life. You may say that they will be dealt with in the after-life or burn in hell, but hey...I may not be doing those things but still I am not doing right things that will get me to Jannah (praying etc) and I also do things that will surely get me to hell like listening to music, lying etc so if we both are going to burn in hell (the duration period in hell might be different but that we don't know for sure), aren't those people who live happily here better?