Currently working as Cloud Architect & Developer at, I am also working in the AI field…
I was as a research associate in the Energy, Electronic, and Processes Laboratory (LE²P) and in the Computer Sciences and Mathematics Laboratory (LIM) at the University of La Réunion (France). I obtained my PhD from the University of La Réunion in 2013. My PhD work was related to artificial intelligence (multi-agent system) and complex systems modelling.
I was also a computer engineer in different fields and project (smart-grid, IoT, bigdata, energy).
I did a bit more than 700 hours of total teaching:
- Theoretical: Information Systems & Databases, Artificial Intelligence, Ubiquitous Computing
- Practical: Software Engineering & Algorithm (low-level and high-level programming languages)
- ICT: Information and Communications Technology
I also obtain an equivalent of BA/MA Degree in advanced Arabic and Theology while I stayed in the UK (2001–2007).