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Extremely authentic and crystal clear hadiths on k!lling dogs - how do we come to peace with it?

The Prophet ﷺ did originally command to kill all dogs in general: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يأمر بقتل الكلاب فننبعث في المدينة وأطرافها فلا ندع كلبا إلا قتلناه حتى إنا لنقتل كلب المرية من أهل ...
UmH's user avatar
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Who is the Author of the Quran, Hadith

Quran is word of Allah. It was Revealed by Allah to prophet peace and blessings be upon him. As prophet would get the revalation he would have his scribe write it down and all the sahaba would ...
sha chow's user avatar
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Prophet Muhammad worship in Cave Hira

Scholars like ibn Hajar in his Fath al-Barry interpreted this statement and especially the statement -at least in this chapter- (see for example here): (In the following I'll be translating from ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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How did Saint Joseph not make it to the Quran?

The Quran is an Aborgation??? (There is a word people use idk what it is, idk if this is the right one sorry) where it corrects what the precious texts say. Within Christianity, there were multiple ...
Shayyan Ali's user avatar
3 votes

How did Saint Joseph not make it to the Quran?

Better question: Why should he be? There is no shortage of biblical persons that are not mentioned in the Qur'an. Even most of the biblical prophets are not named — or even so much as mentioned — in ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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