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Need proper pronunciation of various Arabic alphabets to read Quran correctly

To know where the letters Arabic are "pronounced" from is important to learn reading the Quran and speaking Arabic correctly. The first thing a student of tajweed learns is the so called مخارج الحروف ...
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In Salat what mispronunciations are acceptable?

In Islam acts are based on intention. You didn't intend to do that so your prayer is valid. You wanted to pronounce in rightly but mispronounced it. But your intent was right. The prophet [saw] said: ...
money-printer's user avatar
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How are these spellings pronounced in the Quran?

Are there clear rules about how such words in the Quran should be pronounced based purely on reading it? Yes, such rules do exist. Many editions of the Mushaf usually include a section at the end ...
ICloneable's user avatar
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Which pronunciation is right of this dua?

None of them is right. As written in the original text it is: وَالْحَزَنِ wal-Hazan(i). not: وَالحٌزْنِ wal-Huzn(i) nor وَالحَزْنِ wal-Hazn(i) A full transliteration of this du'a can be found in ...
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