Can a Muslim man marry a non-Muslim (and non-Ahl-al-Kitab) woman?
Marriage with disbelievers is prohibited, except marriage to chaste women among the People of the Book:
ولا تمسكوا بعصم الكوافر
and hold not to marriage bonds with disbelieving women
— Quran 60:10
What's the stand of Islam on a Muslim woman marrying a non-believer?
A Muslim woman can not marry a non-Muslim man, no matter what his religion is. The evidence for this includes:
The following verse declares that the Kuffar (disbelievers) are not lawful husbands for ...
Can we marry non-chaste women of the book al kitaab?
Chaste in the context of 5:5 and ahl-al-kitab may mean: A virgin, a woman who was legally married to a man before according an other shari'a and legally separated. So in first place this would mean a ...
Sahaba who married Christians and Jews
From the Tafsir: Ahkam ul Quran by Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Ali Al-Razi Al-Jassas
Surah Maidah, section on marriage with the people of the Book:
وروي أن عثمان بْن عفان تزوج نائلة بنت الفرافصة الكلبية وهي ...
Nikah with a Non-Muslim
For a marriage to be valid in Islam there are a few things which must be checked first.
Can the to be spouses marry each other? Are they blood relatives? Is there any prohibition for this marriage.
Is it haram to marry a Christian woman?
The view of the vast majority of the jurists is that marriage to women from People of the Scripture is permissible. Christian women are included in them: trinitatians or otherwise.
Most Christians ...
According to Hanafi jurisprudence, marrying Jews or Christians is Makruh Tahrimi. Why is it Makruh Tahrimi even though it is allowed in the Qu'ran?
It is makruh not only in the Hanafi madhab but also other madhabs. See Are inter-religious marriages encouraged in islam? for references.
Regarding the Hanafi Madhab:
Shami writes in Radd al Muhtar ...
Reasons for not allowing interfaith marriage
Allah does not need to provide a reason or justification for His commands. The primary purpose of commandments is to test compliance, and it is not necessary to give any reason or benefit behind it.
Are inter-religious marriages encouraged in islam?
Inter-religious marriage is forbidden in Islam (Quran 2:221, Quran 60:10). There is only an exception in this rule which is that the marriage of a Muslim man to a Jewish or Christian woman is ...
Why is the fact that Ibn Umar believing it’s prohibited to Marry a Christian woman not more mainstream?
Your question is mostly rhetorical. The obvious answer is that the mainstream thinks that the evidence for allowing it is stronger and more convincing and that there is a valid rebuttal to the ...
Can I marry my Evangelical Christian non-virgin girlfriend?
A Muslim man may marry a Christian woman; the denomination or sect that the Christian woman follows does not make a difference. What does make a difference is whether the woman in question respects ...
Can I marry my Evangelical Christian non-virgin girlfriend?
In general it is permitted but not recommended to marry a non-muslim: Are inter-religious marriages encouraged in islam? All Christian denominations are the same in this respect, however political ...
Reasons for not allowing interfaith marriage
Quick Answer: Interfaith marriage is only allowed between Muslim men and women from the People of the Book, meaning Christians and Jews.
There are particularly two ayahs in the Quran, 2:221 and 60:10, ...
According to Hanafi jurisprudence, marrying Jews or Christians is Makruh Tahrimi. Why is it Makruh Tahrimi even though it is allowed in the Qu'ran?
In the hanafi fiqh markooh tahrimi seems to mean that something is not clearly considered as haram by a text (so there's a dispute among scholars, which leave a hint of a doubt about the unlawfulness ...
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