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Imam Mehandi A man is saying that he is Isa and there is no mehandi he lives In India, Aurangabaad.

A man is saying that he is Isa and there is no mehandi he lives In India, Aurangabaad. 'Isa Alayhi Salam will arrive after Dajjal and as you can see from the real world, Dajjal has not emerged so ...
Muslimah's user avatar
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Will the Mahdi be born or just come from Heaven?

Bismillah. Imam al-Mahdi will be a righteous man from among the descendants of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who will appear at the end of time, through whom Allah will ...
ahmed's user avatar
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Mahdi and the Christian Antichrist

I will start the following hadith from the prophet: "Do not believe the people of the Book, nor disbelieve them, but say, 'We believe in Allah and whatever is revealed to us, and whatever is ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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Is the Hadith describing lunar and solar eclipses as signs of Mahdi's arrival authentic?

How can a hadith which is disconnected ever be sahih? Here's the report as it was mentioned in Sunan a-Daraqotni: حدثنا أبو سعيد الإصطخري , ثنا محمد بن عبد الله بن نوفل , ثنا عبيد بن يعيش , ثنا يونس ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Can the Mahdi find out he is the mahdi by looking at the identification marks from the hadith?

The arrival of Mahdi has 2 different stories in Islam: Sunni Islam, and Shia Islam. According to sunni Islam, Ali bin abi Talib narrates: the prophet peace be upon him narrates المهدي منا أهل البيت،...
Ahmad Tn's user avatar
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Safeguards in place to prevent Imam Mahdi from drone attack?

Your question is a very good one, as in how will Mahdi prevail (and basically what attributes should he have to know if he is the true Mahdi) Drone: So God has sent 124000 prophets and all died, ...
Thaqalain's user avatar
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Safeguards in place to prevent Imam Mahdi from drone attack?

Why are you assuming that end of times will be in the present era ... so that the USA, drones and media will be relevant factors? A few centuries back it was the British armed with Gunpowder, more ...
UmH's user avatar
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Who will be the soldiers of Imam Mahdi? (Shia view)

As he is not only the Imam of the Shia's of Ahlul Baith, but the Imam of the universe, so any person who has some respect and love for the holy household of the Prophet may join his army if Imam wills....
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