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Sadaqah questions about voluntary charity.

2 votes

Does giving food to my christian maid please Allah or not?

“And they (the righteous) are those who give food – in spite of their own need, to the needy, and the orphan, and the captive, [saying in their hearts], 'We only feed you for the sake of God, and w …
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1 vote

Can one do sadaqa (voluntary charity) out of haram income?

One cannot do Sadaqah out of haram income. Having a halal income source is the pre-requisite of Sadaqah. So, your Sadaqah will not be accepted, if you have done it knowingly. … If you did Sadaqah unknowing that your income is truly haram, Allah might forgive you and weep to Allah for He rewards you the same as if you did Sadaqah out of your halal income source. …
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