There is no problem in calling a non-Muslim by my brother's word. exactly the contrary, it's respectful and appreciated to calling a non-muslim by my brother's word or sir, etc.. and be friendly with him to give him a good picture of the Muslims. that is what Allah Almighty ordered us to do. Evidence of this in Surat ([(17) **Al-'Isra'**][1]) Chapter number [**17.53**]. **" Tell My worshipers, that they should say words that are the finest ".** **In Arabic:** (**سورة الإسراء** الآية رقم **53**) **"وَقُلْ لِعِبَادِي يَقُولُوا الَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ"** But on the condition, that doesn't exceed the limits stipulated in Islam, between the girl and the non-mahram whether he is a Muslim or not. **summary** call non-muslim or Muslim by my brother's word it's just word to express the respect and appreciation. and don't cancel the sanctity(Hourma) between of the girl and non-mahram from men. I hope my answer is clear. [1]: