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Why does the holy Q'uran begin with "In the name of Allah , the Compassionate, the Merciful."?

  • "(I begin this book) In the name of Allah , the Compassionate, the Merciful." (1*:1.)

According to Islam, Q’uran is the Word of Allah , but it appears from the above passage that the author of Q’uran was some person other than Allah, since had it been Allah himself, he would not have said: "(I begin this book) in the name of Allah etc." He would have instead said: "I am writing this book for the instruction of mankind." If it be said that by beginning His book in this fashion, he means to teach men as to what they should say when about to do a thing, it cannot be true, since some men will do even sinful deeds in the name of Allah and thereby bring disgrace on Him.

Why does the holy Q'uran begin with "In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful." rather than "I am writing this book for the instruction of mankind."?
