Some of the parts of the tafsir was ommitted: > ...وقد ذهب طائفة كثيرة من العلماء، أن هذه محمولة على أهل الكتاب، ومن > دخل في دينهم قبل النسخ والتبديل إذا بذلوا الجزية، **وقا****ل آخرون بل هي > م****نسوخة بآية القتال** > > Many of the scholars have said that these are based > on the people of the Book and those who entered their religion prior > to abrogation [of such religions by Islam] and alteration if they paid > the poll tax [i.e. the Jizya]. **But others said that it is abrogated by** > **the verse of fighting...** > > [Tafsir Ibn Kathir 2:256][1] This is from the Arabic text and can be found in the altafsir site. Imam Ibn Kathir said others said it was abrogated which indirectly shows he wasn't of this opinion. [1]: