In Islam it is necessary to marry in order to have intercourse and have children.
Anything else is a matter that the to be spouses should agree upon in best case before getting married. If any of both wants children it is his/her right to have them (be it with the spouse after agreement or by a new marriage).
Note that you'll hardly find a husband or even a wife that would reject having intercourse at all.
Therefore expecting a sane person to accept or agree about not having intercourse after marriage is rather an unworldly illusion.
Especially as the consensus is that mahr is only a due on the husband after consumption of the marriage (by intercourse) based on (See also: After divorce followed by converting back to Christianity, does an ex-wife need to return the meher?):
There is no blame upon you if you divorce women you have not touched nor specified for them an obligation. But give them [a gift of] compensation - the wealthy according to his capability and the poor according to his capability - a provision according to what is acceptable, a duty upon the doers of good. (2:236)
and the fact that:
... And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good. (4:19)
implies indirectly the right of treating wives the right way and behaving in a manner she likes and as al-Hassan al-Basri -as quoted by al-Bagahwi in his tafssir- added the right of treating them well in bed.
So maybe if you find an understanding husband you may both find a solution or arrangement and help for your situation that may satisfy your needs and help you come over your phobia.
Else you should seek professional help to learn to control, over come or "fight" your phobia.
We don't know the reasons maybe it is something that was addressed in the fatwa from islamqa linked below!
Or you may remain unmarried as this certainly is permissible. Even if many scholars hold the opinion that it is wajib if one is able to afford (age etc.) it.
See also these relevant posts:
Can a women take tablets not to get pregnant
Does the wife have the right to reject sex?
Is it okay for a Muslim girl not to have children?
Wife's Tamkin and Marital Rape
and this fatwa on islamqa #241951 which rather looks like an consultation.