There are two points to be considered about dream interpretation:

 - The part of dream must be interpreted that is important and refers to a real event, and the dreamer can figure out a punishment or good news. One shouldn't pay attention to the meaningless and messy parts of dreams.
 - For all those meaningful parts, one should seek for interpretations in Qur'an, Hadith and lexicology. 

I'd mention some dreams and their interpretations to make it a bit clearer (from the book by *[Ibn Sirin][1]*,  a Muslim interpreter of dreams who lived in the 8th century):

> I dreamt of my father putting a golden crown on my head. Ibn Sirin replied: fear God, your father in a foreign country has lost his eyesight and expect you to go and visit him there.

Here head, crown and gold are three signs. Head in lexicology means being boss and heading a group, crown is a non-Arab thing which means foreign and being a stranger somewhere, and gold means losing eyesight.

The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: 

> ان الرؤیا تقع علی ما تعبر ومثل ذلک مثل رجل رفع رجله فهو ینتظره متی
> یضعها فاذا رأی احدکم رؤیا فلا یحدث بها الا ناصحاً او عالماً
> Dream happens as it's interpreted, and it's like a man keeping his
> foot in the air to know when should put it on the ground. So when one
> of you had a dream, don't mention it to someone except an expert
> interpreter or an adviser.
