this question consists of 2 questions. 1st is triple talaq problem. 2nd is about why divorce process requires only to say "talaq", as questioner thinks, though becoming muslim requires more: reciting "fatia" sincerely, as questioner thinks.
i want to write about triple talaq problem, and i choose this question to write it from 2 questions, because this is earlier, and i do not want to create one more duplicate question myself.
let me answer to second question firstly.
there are several errors/mistakes: 1) it is not "fatia" but "fatikha". 2) it is not sura "fatikha" but it is not sura but "tashahhud" phrase, but it is still longer than "talaq talaq talaq" phrase. 3) "talaq talaq talaq" phrase is incorrect, it should be just "talaq", it is triple talaq problem, i will write about it separately below. 4) just saying "talaq" is not enough to make divorce, waiting period of 3 menstruations or 3 months should follow it, then witnesses should be invited.
corrected second question: "According to my knowledge for a non-muslim to become muslim he/she has to recite Tashahhud sincerely. On the other hand just reciting "Talak" commits divorce. Why so?"
answer: this is not very true: just saying "talaq" is not enough to make divorce, waiting period of 3 menstruations or 3 months should follow it, then witnesses should be invited. so, making divorce can be considered as not easier than "becoming muslim", but, as i know, some people think, that also witnesses are needed for becoming muslim, and i think it is correct idea, because becoming muslim brings some consequences: duties and rights. and let us consider waiting period as easy thing, and do not count it.
second question edited more: why becoming muslim requires reciting long "tashahhud" phrase sincerely, and divorce reqires only saying short word "talaq", (let's do not count divorce waiting period thinking that it is easy, and witnesses, thinking that it is in both cases)?
answer: 1) why you think that becoming muslim should be more easy act than making divorce? i think that probably becoming muslim is more important thing, and that probably most muslims think so. 2) i think, the requirement of reciting of "tashahhud" sincerely is not very truly and completely said, because as soon as you say sincerely, you are assumed act according to it: learn how to pray, and start to pray, etc, so, really, it requires much more efforts than just reciting "tashahhud" sincerely. though you can account yourself as muslim immediately after you recite "tashahhud", being muslim is by itself is not just a status/word, but you have to act as muslim always. btw, if you recite "tashahhud" sincerely but do not act as muslim for some reasons, maybe, laziness, then, i think the word "mu'min", which means "believer" is more appropriate for you than "muslim".
i will write answer to first question soon, if god will.