When i was a child or teen i was told it's not allowed to use Qur'an Verses to make fun of it or change a word to make fun of it. But in Arabic newspaper you often find headlines or Articles which have as a headline a part of a Verse with some interchanged word or words. For example you have in Surat an-Nissa' ([4:11][1]) the following expression: > يُوصِيكُمُ اللَّهُ فِي **أَوْلَادِكُمْ ۖ** > > Allah instructs you concerning **your children**: ... And as an Article title i found: > يوصيكم الله في **مواطنيكم** > > Allah instructs you concerning **your citizens** My Question(s): - is such a borrowing of a Qur'an text or maybe a kind of metaphor allowed? - And are there any references for the use of Qur'an (or Hadith) in a non serious context? - And what's the exact stance of Islam about that? [1]: http://quran.com/4/11