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Questions tagged [taharah]

Taharah is purity in English. Wudu provides Taharah from Hadath Al Asghar (small impurity), and Ghusul provides Taharah from Hadath Al Akbar (major impurity).

50 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is this miswak (tooth stick) method from authentic sunnah?

I was watching this clip from the founder of Dawateislami. There are some things which are new to me about the use of miswak (tooth stick): Miswak shouldn't be longer than a hand-span as it will ...
user25904's user avatar
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2 answers

About pre ejaculation fluid

I am 29 years old man.Not married. For many days I m getting problem with pre - ejaculation fluid. Everyday my penis erect before urinating or it was already erected when I get up early morning to ...
Kazi's user avatar
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If I apply oil on my hair then is my ablution valid or not?

If I apply oil on my hair then is my ablution valid or not? I've searched this from 3 to 4 days but I can't find a proper answer which satisfy me.
Faiqa Saleem's user avatar
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Stearyl Alcohol and Urea in my face cream?

After doing wudu, I put face cream that contains stearyl alcohol and urea. I also pray with that cream. I am also fasting (it is Ramadan now). Is it ok to use this cream or did my wudu/prayers/fast ...
Have Patience's user avatar
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What are the different opinions on a person who vomits or got nose bleeding druring the prayer?

In the sunnah we find this hadith in sunan ibn Majah (Qualified as da'if): “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Whoever vomits, has a nosebleed, belches, or emits prostatic fluid, should stop praying;...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Will my prayer mat become impure by washing it together with clothes that have sperm on them?

I washed my prayer mat (janemaz) with an article of clothing having sperm on it. Will the prayer mat become impure?
Anonymous's user avatar
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Question regarding taking major bath in the mid day in ramadan

Husband and wife after intimacy, they didn’t take shower, direct had have their suhoor and didn’t prayed fajr! And took bath in the mid day! Would the fasting of thiers be counted as valid?
Mehedi Hasan 's user avatar
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How to purify myself

If impurity like urine or madhi touch my lip or face. How to wash it? If I wash my face like wudu water will enter my nose and drop in clothes. Do this make my clothes and nose impure?
Tanjina's user avatar
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Shaving Of Pubic Hairs

I wanted to know, I shave my pubic hairs, I don't want to shave scrotum because I always cut it. will it be acceptable in Islam if I just shaved pubic hairs but not scrotum.
サイコパス委員会Psycho Pass Committee's user avatar
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Impurity From A Dog

Is sand on witch a dog sits impure? if the sand gets on clothes or hands is it necessary to wash them.
Scholor's Opinion's user avatar
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About naajasah (impurity) transfer

I didn't knew masturbation was haram so I masturbated and something was released from me so i touched that liquid and without that liquid on my hand i touched my blanket, mosquito net but after a ...
Samiha's user avatar
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Is ghusl mandatory now?

asalaam alaikum. So my period started on Wednesday the 14th of September and on the 17th it started to stop. This is not usual. Since then i have needed to go to the bathroom more which i find is ...
Rumaisa 's user avatar
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Taharah barrier in ghusl

Something dirt comes out of skin layer which is naturally a deadskin cell or something else does it prevent reaching skin ,my ghusl is still valid or not? and every one may have this dirt at there ...
Shahid Momin's user avatar
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How do i know when my menses has fully ended?

So i know that i should wait for complete dryness or the white discharge before i can pray again. But what if there's a period of dryness with sudden yellow discharges for a day or two? When can i ...
Someone's user avatar
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What is the evidence for dispense of the prayer or the taharah if it is not possible to perform ritual purity?

In the fatwa islamweb #135469 -which I used as a reference for my answer on How could a Muslim pray from the Moon? it is said: This is my own translation take it carefully فذهب جمهور العلماء إلى ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Is a little urinary incontinence forgiven?

Because sometimes when I take off my clothes I find that a little urine has come out without me realising it. Do I have to change my underwear for every prayer? Or i should just put tissue May Allaah ...
Mustafa's user avatar
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Types of different emissions by a male?

What are the different types of emission a male emits from his penis other than urine and semen??How can one differentiate between those emissions based on their physical appearance??especially color?...
DSP_CS's user avatar
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Should I check my underwear each time before prayer?

Sometimes I find impurities on my underwear. So should I check for impurities each time before salah? I also have feeling sometimes of impurity but don't know if it's a waswasah or not.
user20152's user avatar
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Regarding purity of clothes

I usually wash mani or madhi with my hands before putting the clothes in washing machine. But what happened is my mother one day she put all my undergarments in the washing machine and they are ...
Abdullah Asif's user avatar
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Married muslim, How do you deal with madzi in bed and prayer?

i am a married male. Frequently have intimacy with my wife in bed. I believe that semen is pure, but in the case of madzi/mazi, most scholar are in opinion that it is impure. When married couple are ...
Abdullah's user avatar
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Im unsure wether i am actually pure from menses

Assalamu alaikum, my period usually lasts for 6 days and on the 7th day when i came back from outside and checked my pad there was nothing on the pad only a small yellow dot. So i thought that my ...
irw's user avatar
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is it sufficient to wash private part just with water

is it enough to wash private part just with water until madhy or mani is gone. I mean when we wash our private part with water only there is traces of mani or madhi on tip area which can be removed by ...
Afsar Ahmed's user avatar
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do i pray if istihada comes right after period?

do i pray if istihada comes right after period? Assalamu alaikum, im freaking out and i need a urgent response. Yesterday was the last day of when my period was supposed to end and there was no blood ...
irw's user avatar
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Cleaning clothes with alcohol

I’m aware that if clothes that have alcohol on them you must wash 3 times, could that be achieved by just putting them in the washing machine on 3 washes?
Usman Motala's user avatar
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Purification and taharah

I have a problem while moving, sitting in ground and walking. While iam do some movement,one sid of my penis tip touches the clothes inside and other opens up at mouth and the inside skin of penis ...
Afsar Ahmed's user avatar
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Water splashing from anus during istinjaa

During the process of cleaning myself while defecating, I use the water cleaner (shatafa) which gushes water into the anus to clean it. If water splashes from that area, is it pure or not?
Yassine Yousri's user avatar
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Taharah about the mattress

Assalmu alaikum My question is concerning about me being in the state of impurity and about whether my bed is impure or not. I was in a state impurity earlier and fell asleep last night, which was ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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HELP. I cant differenciate between urine and vaginal discharge

I do suffer from urology issues which im getting medical tests for but no results yet. i dont think i fit the criteria of an excused person. Also i always have vaginal discharge of the normal amount ...
user avatar
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Does the rule of certainty apply even if you feel urine coming out while doing istinja, but you can't find evidence of urine?

I was doing istinja and felt some urine come out. I checked to see if there was actually urine by checking my private part. I saw a water drop stay on the penis and then drop into the toilet, but this ...
Fuad Ahmed's user avatar
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Does an impurity spread if it comes in contact with running water

Some urine got on a bathroom carpet and so i put it in a bucket in the bathtub. Then when i went to wash myself, the bucket fell over and thus the side of the carpet that had urine on it touched a ...
Fuad Ahmed's user avatar
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What should I do about this impurity

Assalamualaikum During an exam, I was desperate for the toilet but I thought I could hold it in until the end of the exam. I ended up wetting myself and I didn't tell anyone because I was too ...
Dough9678's user avatar
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Is hand that used for Istinja impure?

If I urinating and at the tip of my penis The tip of my penis left a little urine, then I washed it by draining water from the top of my penis while rubbing the tip of my penis with my left fingers, i ...
TorGanten9's user avatar
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Does this sperm remain and contaminate and count as eating sperm

I’ve been having lots of problems with this issue. When I ejaculate and after sometimes sperm gets on hands after washing hands if i touch anything for 2 days does what I touch get contaminated. Also ...
user123907's user avatar
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Why is there a different view among scholars on this topic

Salam, I was doing some research and There is a very different opinion about washing clothes in a washing machine. Like if a top got najis and he washed it with other clothes by default it is pure ...
Usman's user avatar
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What exactly does washing mean in Islam?

In Islam, in order to purify an impure object or area, it can be washed. Does this mean diluting the impurity until you cannot taste it, smell it, or see it's color? Or does it mean using water to ...
Yusuf Ahmed's user avatar
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Discharge during urination after ejaculation

Asalamalaykum everyone I am having an issue, basically what happened is that I masturbasted, and I thought all the semen had been released, so I urinated to make sure that there was no semen in the ...
muslim's user avatar
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Spot pops after wudu

Salam, I have acne on my face and after doing wudu some spots burst. Today I was doing wudu and when drying I avoided the spot but it burst and I wasn’t sure whether my wudu was valid so I waited and ...
Usman's user avatar
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Praying salah sitting due to incontinence

Salam, I have urine incontinence and I normally go toilet an hour or a bit longer before my salah. I still get drops coming out when I read. What do I do? Do I continue to pray or should I pray ...
Usman's user avatar
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Washing skin under nails in wudu

Salam.I am a follower of Imam Abu Hanifa. Does skin under/beneath the nails be washed in wudu and ghusul? If yes, then how? Should we hold our hands vertically under the tap? I ask this because I take ...
user39499's user avatar
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Am I pure or not?

After urinating and doing istinja I felt something come out I checked and saw that it was a white liquid similar to water however sometimes I get white urine so I don’t know if this is urine or water. ...
Private's user avatar
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Discharges and wudu

Alsaam alaykum I have a question regarding the different discharges that women face. I read several fatwas but none have helped me much.. as some people are not aware of how complex vaginal ...
user33722's user avatar
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Pork byproducts in different names

Assalamu 'alaikum, I have a difficulty for keeping my body pure and sometimes I feel it is very hard to keep it like that. Because these days almost every product is related to some animal origin, ...
Sidheeq K's user avatar
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Is there a condition to use only toilet tissue for cleaning?

The ahadith mention using water or a minimum of 3 stones (stones=toilet tissue today) and the number should be odd. Scholars state both can be used together even though there is no Hadith where both ...
user25689's user avatar
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Purity related question

If your penis touches your thigh does this make the place that the penis touched impure? Or it still remains pure as it is just a body part
Fudgehdugxfrd's user avatar
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Can premature ejaculation be cleaned with a cloth?

In the morning I cleaned premature ejaculation with a cloth because it was very small amount then I put my clothes on and did breakfast after breakfast I washed my private parts with water. Is it ...
Muhammad Shah's user avatar
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is my ghusl valid

Today I had a bath and while taking bath I noticed that there was some dirt which was black. I had to remove that dirt by using soap and rubbing. If the the dirt was there before, are all my previous ...
xyz's user avatar
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Maniy still sticking on skin after Ghusl, does my Ghusl invalidated?

Assalamualaikum, So after I did Ghusl and I get dressed I noticed there is still maniy sticking on my skin. Does this mean it invalidates my Ghusl? Thank you in advance, Jazakallah Khairan.
HelloIamMe's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to monitor kid cleaniness after using toilet

How can a parent monitor that their children (kids) are cleaning themselves properly after relieving themselves as kids want to escape or lie about cleaning themselves and till what ages parent should ...
localhost's user avatar
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Will my clothes still consider as impure (Napak) If I washed them alot?

After masturbation, I found white spots on my pant (I don’t know whether it is Mani, Madhi or Wadhi). I washed that origin (where that spot was) gently with soap and leave it to dry. The next day I ...
Anony_mous's user avatar
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Ejactulation hours later

I have a question regarding an issue that i couldn't find the answer for anywhere else so I decided to ask here. After masturbating (I know it is bad and I am trying to stop), I usually force the ...
maesk's user avatar
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