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What exactly does washing mean in Islam?

In Islam, in order to purify an impure object or area, it can be washed. Does this mean diluting the impurity until you cannot taste it, smell it, or see it's color? Or does it mean using water to ...
Yusuf Ahmed's user avatar
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Why does The Reliance of the Traveller highlight 216 liters of water in the context of impurities?

The Reliance of the Traveller, The Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law 'Umdat al-Salik, by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri (translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller) states: e1.4 Impure means it is neither ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
4 votes
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Is this miswak (tooth stick) method from authentic sunnah?

I was watching this clip from the founder of Dawateislami. There are some things which are new to me about the use of miswak (tooth stick): Miswak shouldn't be longer than a hand-span as it will ...
user25904's user avatar
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What should be the minimum duration of istijmar?

My cousin said to me that he heard somewhere that it is required for men to do istijmar (dry cleaning private parts after bathroom) for a duration that is taken to walk 40 yards. The reason he said is ...
user4150's user avatar
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