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Questions tagged [surat-al-kahf]

Surat al-Kahf (The Cave) is the 18th surah of the Qur'an

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Is verse 18:4 meant especially for Christians?

وَيُنذِرَ الَّذِينَ قَالُوا اتَّخَذَ اللَّهُ وَلَدًا and warn those who say, "God has taken a son" - Surah Al-Kahf verse number 4 I am wondering if this verse came for Christians who ...
Jakeup's user avatar
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Reading first 10 ayah in salat

Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters hope you are all fine. my first question is i like to read my prayer(namaz) some times little longer so after al-fatiha i recite first 10 verses of al-bakrah or ...
NaVeEd IbRaHiM's user avatar
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Is it permissible to recite surah al kahf during menses [duplicate]

Please help me clear this issue as ive search it on the web but i wasn't able to get a clear answer.
Sara's user avatar
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If someone forgot to read Surah Al-Kahf on Friday, can they read it on Saturday?

If someone made the intention to read Surah Al-Kahf on Friday, but he got busy and he forgot to read it. Can he read it on Saturday?
Qataada's user avatar
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What time did Dhul Qarnayn live in according to Islamic sources?

What have Islamic scholars usually concluded about Dhul Qarnayn's time and what are the different views and based on what evidences? I read the following on IslamQA: Dhu’l-Qarnayn who is mentioned ...
The Z's user avatar
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Does Allah swt refer to himself as "We" in Surah al Kahf?

SA, I'm a recent revert and was listening to Surah al Kahf on youtube for the first time in a long long time and noticed that the narration uses "We." Is the narration in Surah al Kahf from Allah swt ...
Brother58697's user avatar
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Where was the place where Moses followed al-Khidr and met the boy?

According to the famous verses at Surat Al Kahf, 60-74: And [mention] when Moses said to his servant, "I will not cease [traveling] until I reach the junction of the two seas or continue for a long ...
Kilise's user avatar
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Does the sun set in a murky pool in Qur'an 18:86?

Non Muslims say that 18:86 is in error. How do we refute this? Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it [as if] setting in a spring of dark mud, and he found near it a people. ...
user20303's user avatar
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Why does Moses seem to take Khizr slaying a boy lightly?

Khizr reluctantly allowed Moses to follow him, stating Moses wouldn't be able to bear with him. Along their path, from Quran 18:74-76: And so the two went on, till, when they met a young man, [the ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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What happend to the second garden of the disbeliever?

In Surat al-Kahf we find the story with the example of the two men quoted in the verses 32 to 44. While at first in the verses (18:32-33) the speech is about two gardens, later on only a single garden ...
Sassir's user avatar
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Surah Al-Kahf 18:9-22: What is this story about youths in a cave?

I have been reading Surah al-Kahf and I find myself quite confused about ayat 9-22. What is this story about youths in a cave? It is presented like it should be a story that I am already familiar with,...
Dev Gnoll's user avatar
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Why did Al-Khidr kill a boy?

First of all, I am new to reading the Quran, so forgive me for any misunderstanding that I may cause. In Surat Al-Kahf aya 74, the journey between Al-Khidr and Moses, Al-Khidr kills an innocent boy ...
Noah's user avatar
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What is the reason of this differences in the three expressions in Surat Al-Kahf 79 - 82?

Allah says in Surat Al-Kahf in aya 79: أَمَّا السَّفِينَةُ فَكَانَتْ لِمَسَاكِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ فِي الْبَحْرِ فَأَرَدتُّ أَنْ أَعِيبَهَا وَكَانَ وَرَاءَهُم مَّلِكٌ يَأْخُذُ كُلَّ سَفِينَةٍ غَصْبًا ...
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