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3 answers

Would it be haram to take suicide for ur family [duplicate]

I am a horrible son and brother I get angry easily and scream at my parents and at my siblings and I hate that abt me I HATE HURTING MY FAMILY so would it be haram to ake suicide if its to make them ...
HASSAN RASHID's user avatar
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Is it haram to give up life because of guilt?

Suppose there was a train which caught fire. A person's wife and kid died due to the fire but husband survived and had the chance to leave the train cabin through a broken window but he did not saying ...
Rifath Rashid's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does this count as suicide?

Does it count as suicide if one asks someone else to kill them since they can't do it themself? Would that person still go to hell?
aperson654's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is not getting treatment for a disease considered as suicide in Islam?

I had this question for many years and still don't know if it is suicide or not, in one way you { by not taking the "cure" which is chemotherapy, and others } wish yourself death. but I don'...
Jakeup's user avatar
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Islamic view on self-harm [closed]

I am in a really troubled state of mind right now. Things are not going right in my life. I know that it is haram to harm oneself, but the thought of slitting myself on my wrists, forearms, neck, ...
Khaled Ibn Sajid's user avatar
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Suicide to save someone's life

There was a killer who threatened me to perform murders with his gun. I thought about ending my life by his gun so I wouldn't be used for killing anyone. Will allah forgive suicide in this case as I ...
Hadra's user avatar
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Does Allah forgives the woman who commits suicide, when it is her very husband who asked her to do so? [duplicate]

A woman in my country committed suicide. Through a lot of evidences, it has been proved that it was his husband who requested her to commit suicide. The husband was partaking in adultery and didn't ...
Maqsud Mallick's user avatar
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If your last words were the shahada and you committed suicide, would you still enter heaven?

My friend recently hurt herself but instead of calling an ambulance, she just lied in bed and kept repeating the shahada. I later asked why and she told me she wants to enter heaven but cannot stand ...
Natura-Diddly's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is suicide permissible to prevent torture?

Someone I know is suffering from extreme pain and a killer is coming to kill him. Is suicide permissible painlessly.
Hadra's user avatar
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Can suicide be forgiven?

When a person kills himself ,he goes to jahannam. Allah says in the Quran: {Surely Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and forgives what is besides that to whomsoever ...
Obaid's user avatar
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Can you commit suicide for certain reasons in Islam?

For example, imagine someone threatened you and told you to kill yourself or else they would throw an atomic bomb or something like that. This would obviously be Haram and wrong, but you are saving ...
Gray's user avatar
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When faced with two situations that will cause you to die which should you take?

Background Context: I asked this question after having a conversation regarding with what the victims of 9/11 did. The Question: Islamically, did the people who jump off of the twin towers commit ...
0x777C's user avatar
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Did Allah Already Decide Somebody will be on Hell before He/She Was Even Created?

(1).The People Committing Suicide in Hell. "He gives life and causes death, and to Him you will be returned."(Surat Yūnus,verse56) "... When Abraham said, "My Lord is the one ...
ADH - THE TECHIE GUY's user avatar
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If one finds himself not being able to follow the religion correctly after being guided by ALLAH (SWT) can leaving Islam or suicide be a solution?

From the view of a secretely following muslim , if he find about mistakes and feel depressed as he was not following religion well and he decided to leave ISLAM (AUZUBILLAH) or decide to commit ...
Abdullah's user avatar
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Is death time predestined or can it be extended by supplication?

Is it true that dua and keeping one's kin close could extend one's lifespan? Inversely, could severing one's relationships be a cause for someone's early demise? Ajal'ul qada' and ajal'ul qadar? For ...
Dia's user avatar
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What are the criteria to judge if an attack was Istishhadi or a suicide attack?

There are verses in Quran which promote being violent with non-Muslims and indeed were the sources on which terrorist attacks like 09/11 were based. These verses are used to support Istishhadi ...
Sarah McLauren's user avatar
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Is it possible to repent from suicide?

Suicide is haram; see e.g. Qur'an 4:29 (do not kill yourselves [or one another]) and What does Islam say about suicide? and Is suicide forbidden in the Qur'an?. However, while suicide is often ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Is it permissible to perform funeral prayers for someone who committed suicide?

Assalamu Alaikum, Is there any sahih hadith related to performing Namaz-e-Janaza for one who committed suicide?
Siddik Raja's user avatar
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Do depressed people go to hell for having rebellious thoughts or commit suicide?

What is the Islamic rule for people with mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety or schizophrenia who commit suicide? Or someone having negative thoughts about life, other people and themselves. ...
user3995789's user avatar
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Is it okay to openly discuss one's past suicide attempts?

The World Health Organization writes the following about suicide: Over 800,000 people die due to suicide every year. ... By far the strongest risk factor for suicide is a previous suicide attempt. ....
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Is suicide allowed in any circumstances?

As far as I know, suicide is haram in Islam. So, is there any possible situation mentioned somewhere when it's allowed? I am asking this question because people who kill themselves to save a nation ...
Umair Afzal's user avatar
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Is suicide a worse sin than murder? According to who?

A quote, which I believe is from, popped up on the Islam Means Peace Facebook page. It included the following snippet: Committing suicide is a grave sin which is forbidden by ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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kids who commit suicide [duplicate]

A boy in my neighbors commited suicide yesterday due to continuous torture by his teacher. He was just 16 and was an innocent kid. What does Islam say about kids who suicide?
nimra ziad's user avatar
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Does working oneself to death count as suicide?

If someone overworks themselves to the point of death (e.g. sleeping only three or four hours a day while knowing that this is harmful) is this considered to be the same as suicide according to Islam?
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Is suicide forbidden in the Qur'an?

Why is suicide a sin in Islam? I only know of 34/29 in Qur'an-- rather advising you not to do so than forbidding it. And they say, "When is this promise, if you should be truthful?" Say, "For ...
user3880721's user avatar
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If someone dies doing something risky is it suicide?

Something I have always been wondering about, people tend to do a lot of risky things which may have fatal consequences and they are aware of that, but happen to do it any way. Such acts can be ...
Aboudi's user avatar
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How can I make dua for a Muslim who committed suicide?

I read that if a Muslim committed suicide, then that person will enter hell without any question. How can I make dua for a Muslim brother who committed suicide? (i.e. what are the things that I can ...
Azik Abdullah's user avatar
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Committing suicide is haram, but what if children/teens do it?

If children and teens who do not know what haram is end up committing suicide, will they be forgiven by Allah and enter heaven?
Yahya777's user avatar
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Do the children need to respect their father who provoked their mother to commit suicide?

A couple was in the habit of having constant conjugal fights. In the course of one such altercation, the husband asked the wife, "Can't you get any poison?". The wife then and there got the ...
Masroor's user avatar
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Does Islam permit euthanasia?

Definition: Euthanasia, also known as assisted suicide, physician-assisted suicide (dying) , doctor-assisted dying (suicide) , and more loosely termed mercy killing, basically means to take a ...
hkBattousai's user avatar
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9 answers

Is suicide bombing in the name of Allah allowed?

Is there any specific rule in Islam which allows suicide bombing even though suicide itself is haram?
Tachyons's user avatar
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What does Islam say about suicide?

How does Islam as a religion,view suicide? Is it allowed or prohibited? What sources can you show from Qur'an and Hadith that is related to suicide.
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