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Questions tagged [smoking]

Questions about smoking various substances tobacco, marijuana, etc., in various ways, cigarettes, shisha, etc.

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Ramadan and smoking

I know that drinking alcohol before Ramadan invalidates your fast. However, smoking isn’t the same I’ve found out? Does smoking before Ramadan, but not during invalidate the fast? Ps - I mean nicotine,...
Anon3's user avatar
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Is vaping e-liquids halal?

I quit smoking and am willing to vape 0 nocotine e-liquids, but I read a lot about e-liquids that they contain VG and PG in their ingredients. Can anyone confirm if PG is fine and not haram?
Ahsan Jamil's user avatar
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Does vaping invalidate salah?

Salam alaykum rahmutallah wabaraktuhu brothers and sisters! I have a very important question. Does smoking vapes invalidate salah or nullify your wudu? I know it's haram and I am quitting but I've ...
Shahed Ramadan's user avatar
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Is smoking herbs halal?

Is it halal to smoke herbs? It does not contain any tobacco or marijuana. Thank you in advance.
HelloIamMe's user avatar
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Is nicotine considered an intoxicant?

There's two questions about haram nature of smoking cigarettes Why is smoking tobacco haraam? and Is smoking allowed in Islam?. However, none of the answers address whether or not nicotine is ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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If you smoke weed twice a day, does your prayer become invalid for 40 days or 80 days?

If someone smokes marijuana 'twice' within a day, will his prayer be not accepted for 40 days or 80 (= 2 * 40) days?
rida's user avatar
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Ruling on Smoking Marijuana [duplicate]

Assalamu Alaiku wa Rahmatullahi Ta'ala wa barakatuhu! Tafseer I was wondering what the rulings on smoking cigarettes and Indian hemp is, statistics shows that the rate that which youth consume these ...
Inuwa Muhammad Falalu's user avatar
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Does Islam prohibit smoking Marijuana?

In Islam, drinking alcoholic is strictly prohibited. Moreover, it has been mentioned clearly by GOD in several locations in Quran and no-one can argue why and ask for more explanations because it is ...
Krebto's user avatar
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Is smoking cigarettes prohibited in Shia Islam?

I have seen majority of Shia people at Imam Bargah smoking standing just outside. Isn't smoking prohibited in Islam?
Ali_Waris's user avatar
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If cigarettes are Haram why are many Muslims smoking shisha?

As per subject I see a lot of Muslims where I live that have Shisha and cigarettes. Isn't this Haram? Aren't cigarettes Haram too or is Shisha considered Hakroon (something like prawns, which is sort ...
Fabrizio Mazzoni's user avatar
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Is tobacco sale haram?

My uncle's gas station is one of the only gas stations that sells no pork and no alcohol, and no lottery tickets, (alhamdullilah). It is a very busy store, and I worked there for a couple of months, ...
user287536's user avatar
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Is oxygen shots/bar allowed in Islam

I have Ask a question about Smoking but this is different from it There is a new thing raising called "Oxygen Bar". It is almost same like 'Sheesha' but it is oxygen instead of smoke. But there is ...
xitas's user avatar
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Is smoking allowed in Islam?

I have studied somewhere that smoking is haram but people who use to smoke say it not haram it makrooh. I want to know is it haram (like alcohol) or it just makroo? Can anyone give me proper ...
xitas's user avatar
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Is smoking shisha/pipe haram?

Islam mentions every intoxicant as haram. But I do not feel intoxicated by smoking shisha because the water in the base tends to absorb tobacco. So is smoking shisha/pipe haram?
user300778's user avatar
7 votes
8 answers

Is smoking marijuana haraam?

While there's controversy about whether marijuana causes long term effects, let's assume that the long term damage is no different than eating fatty foods or sugary drinks. It's clearly less harmful ...
Muz's user avatar
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Does passive smoking break fasting?

If someone smokes close to you and you inhale the smoke involuntarily, does that break your fast? Also, does ruling change between fard fasting and extra (nafilah) fasting?
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Why is smoking tobacco haraam?

The majority view (as far as I know) on smoking tobacco is that it is haraam. But what is the rationale or evidence/proof behind that ruling?
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