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Questions tagged [sects]

Sects are branches of Islam. There are many, but the most known are Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, and Sufism.

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why do sects insist on existing even though it is clearly forbidden?

there are some verses in the Quran which clearly prohibit to be in sects or to identify oneself as someone other than a plain muslim, so why do sects insist on existing even though it is clearly ...
Salmush's user avatar
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Do Shia and Sunni scholars study and evaluate the hadiths collected by the other sect.?

I know that there are very different standards of evaluating the authenticity of hadiths in both sects. However, when there are no contradictions between a certain hadith and the sect's criteria for ...
Haseeb Faisal's user avatar
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Does there any sect exists in Islam who does not believe in grave punishments?

Assalamu Alaikum, Does there any sect exists in Islam who does not believe in grave punishments? I.e. torments given in Barzakh life (life between world and akhirah) to a sinner? If such sect exists,...
Ishaq Khan's user avatar
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What hadith are shared by all sects?

What hadith do all sects of Islam (Sunnis, Zaydis, Twelvers, Ismailis, Ibadis, etc.) share in common?
Davir Lun's user avatar
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What is this Islamic sect mentioned by Bayle

In his Critical and Philosophical dictionary Bayle mentions an Islamic sect that calls itself "Ehl Eltahkik or men of truth, men of certainty, who believe that there is nothing existent but the ...
McCzajnik's user avatar
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marriage, sect, politics

asalamalyakum, I am a practicing muslima, my parents are highly educated people but my dad and siblings arent practicing muslims. I wasnt a practicing muslim either until 9 months ago, a big trauma ...
fatmakk's user avatar
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Preference of rafidha over kaafir asli

السلام عليكم I recently came across a statement of sheikh ul islam رحمه الله regarding someone who prefers the kuffar asli over the rafidha, he رحمه الله says that it is not right to prefer kuffar ...
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Question on Status of Islamic and Islam-related Sects

What status is agreed the following minor Islamic sects and partly Islam-related religions according to the four Sunni fiqh and the Shia School of Qom: Muslim (with respect to marriage, heritage, etc....
Jeschu's user avatar
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Who are the Kullabiyah?

I've read a few articles with statement of ibn Taymiyyah pointing at a further sects of creed beside the Salafi, Ash'ary and Maturidi which claim to be part of ahl as-Sunna wal Jama'a (or at least ...
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