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Questions tagged [reference-request]

Use this tag if you have a statement and you are looking for the source where it was quoted

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The Isha and Maghrib prayers

I'm trying to find a source for a claim I'm hearing that the first two Rak'at of Isha and Maghrib should be loud and the last two Rak'at of Isha and third Rak'at of Maghrib are quiet. Can anyone help ...
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what was the first instance or context of mentioning the word Islam in dawah of prophet mohamad

what was the first instance or context of mentioning the word Islam in "dawah" of prophet Mohamad PBUH ? Please provide the context or first instance from Quarn or prophet's saying and the ...
Amr's user avatar
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Source for the Saying 'Sometimes People with the Worst Past Create the Best Future' attributed to Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA)

I came across the saying "Sometimes people with the worst past create the best future" attributed to Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA), but I couldn't find a specific source for this quote. Can ...
Wali Zaidi's user avatar
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Woman are more than just garmets to wear

It is narrated on the account of Umar ibn Al-Khattab: “The women are not a garment you wear and undress however you like. They are honored and have their rights.” What is the authenticity of this ...
Temporary Account's user avatar
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Is there more than one different versions of the book Duafai Sagir (الضعفاء الصغير) from Buhari?

In this digital database of the book Duafai Sagir (الضعفاء الصغير) from Buhari, I have found the following part in باب النون, in note 388, where Buhari express his strong critic against Imam Abu ...
Code-G's user avatar
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Reference of a saying of Hazrat Ali(R.A)

I heard a saying referred to Hazrat Ali (R.A). Saying is almost like that I recognized my lord by my broken determination
DSP_CS's user avatar
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What defines a Muslim?

I have found and lost a source that states that a Muslim (as distinguished to a Believer) is someone who will not, as I remember, "attack a fellow human by hand or by mouth". To my memory ...
Gyro Gearloose's user avatar
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What is ruling of darood tanjina

I have heard some people talk about a Darood called Darood Tanjina, to recite in Quran Khawani (in south asia like pakistan ppl gather to read quran). I can't find a reference of that Darood on net, ...
localhost's user avatar
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Inquiring legality of istisna mode of transaction

If I am ordering something for manufacturing based on my unique custom needs, like furniture for example, without providing material by my side, I want to know regarding payment options I have with me....
Isl's user avatar
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Reference of this Hadith

Looking into the face of a brother in faith with love for the sake of Allah is better than the reward for itikaf (staying for the purpose of worshiping Allah) in my mosque for forty years. from "...
Albert Sattarov's user avatar
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Did the early Muslims have a tradition of cursing the kuffar during the month of Ramadan?

I came across this report in the Muwatta of Maalik Ibn Anas RH where it says Al A'raj said: مَا أَدْرَكْتُ النَّاسَ إِلاَّ وَهُمْ يَلْعَنُونَ الْكَفَرَةَ فِي رَمَضَانَ" ‏ " ...
Hisham's user avatar
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Which hadith/verse describe that Allah waits a period of time before punishing an oppressor, and the oppressor starts thinking he's invincible?

Can someone tell me the hadith book and hadith number being referred to here in this video? It is something like an oppressor keeps oppressing without being taken to task, and starts thinking that he ...
Shy's user avatar
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i want to know about reference of hadith about the skys in which there is zikar of 7 skys

please share referance of hadith on your web at this link The size of each sky
ali bahi's user avatar
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Did Imam Maalik say it is impermissible to produce Vinegar from Wine

I read on an fatwa that this is what Imam maalik said. But a reference was not listed and I do not know where to find one, if it exists please tell me it. Thanks
Hisham's user avatar
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Is ibn Abbas statement and statement of Hasan Al basri authentic

On tafsir of verse of quran 4:34 and Muslim, 1218. ‘Ata said: I said to Ibn `Abbas, what is the kind of hitting that is not harsh? He said, Hitting with a siwak and the like" And Al-Hasan al-...
Subhan's user avatar
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Authentic hadith on Muhammad ﷺ reciting complete Qur'an to zaid ibn thabit

I have heard from various sources that during the last time of prophet Muhammad ﷺ in this world jibrail (السلام عليه) recited complete Qur'an to Muhammad ﷺ and he ﷺ recited it completely to zaid ibn ...
Subhan's user avatar
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Did prophet Muhammad ﷺ say something about wife beating in his last sermon?

Did prophet Muhammad ﷺ say something about wife beating in his last sermon and compared women to animals? I have heard about a hadith in Musnad ahmed and tarikh al tabari are these authentic
Subhan's user avatar
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Hadith about Nisab corresponding to Yearly Living Cost [closed]

In the book titled "Contemporary Zakat" by Mahmoud Abu-Saud, he quotes a Hadith which I'm rephrasing here: "The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) order a Zakat Collector by the name of Abu Hathama ...
Samama Fahim's user avatar
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What are the sources supporting gender segregation in Islam?

I am familiar with references such as: Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and to be mindful of their chastity: this will be most conducive to their purity – (and,) verily, Allah is aware of ...
Robert Hannah's user avatar
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Refrence of this hadith related to battle of trench?

What is the reference of the hadith in which is mentioned that: The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) tied two stones on his belly while digging a trench during Battle of the Trench
DSP_CS's user avatar
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To which Hadith is this statement of Imam Shafi'i attributed?

I have found a statement that Imam Shafi'i would have said: ( سُئل الامام الشافعي رحمه الله تعالى : "كيف يكون سوء الظن بالله؟ قال: الوسوسة، والخوف الدائم من وقوع مُصِيبَة، وترقب زوال النعمة، كلها ...
harmer's user avatar
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Did the prophet prefer to give government positions to those who didn’t seek them?

I recall reading a hadith which said as much but I can’t remember the wording of it. I tried searching keywords on sunnah . Com but didn’t have any luck. If you know such a Hadith please tell me it. ...
Hisham's user avatar
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Is there any hadith about having pet cats?

Asalam o alaikum. I would like to know if there is any Hadith about having pet cat in house . I've heard somewhere that there is a Hadith about it
Ali Khan's user avatar
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Where does it say that any part of hands is left dry during wudu invalidates it

Is it in Quran or authentic hadith that during our ablution/wudu, if we leave any part (even a centimeter) of our hands dry, the wudu becomes invalid or less reward-worthy? If so, please share the ...
Shy's user avatar
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Did some Scholars equate ḍarūrah with Ikrah?

I was reading this statement by a Scholar That some of them (People of Knowledge) do not differentiate between ikrāh (compulsion) and ḍarūrah (necessity), so they make what is permitted in the case of ...
user40139's user avatar
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What is a good, accurate, free online textual source of the Quran in Arabic?

I am in the process of doing textual analysis on the Quran using software, but I am not sure I am finding a reliable, quality, accurate version of the Quran (in Arabic) which my computer can parse. ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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Is the narration sahih that Abbad رضي الله عنه was hit by arrow three times and still did not leave salah?

I found the following hadith (not sure whether I should call this a hadith or story): Abbad رضي الله عنه stood up for optional salah. He became so absorbed in recitation and salaah, that a person ...
Ahmad Ismail's user avatar
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Jesus will pray funeral of mahdi sources?

I was told that Mahdi will pass away and jesus will bury him and pray funeral prayer over him. I cant locate the quotes except a link which mentions ambiguous sources. Google search isn't giving out ...
Sinner's user avatar
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Reading zikr after salah

Salam, I read a post on Instagram saying that if you read the zikr (subhanallah, alhamdulillah, allahuakbar) 10 times for each phrase after each salah it’s an easy way to gain reward. Another post I ...
Usman's user avatar
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Did our souls before life have relationships?

Assalamu Alaikum! In the last friday khutbah, I thought I heard the khateeb say that souls made relationships with each other before going to the body. Was what I heard correct (in other words, is ...
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Reference to Hadith about a man who will be with Muhammad ﷺ in Jannah?

Bismillah. Alhamdulillahi rabbil-'alamin was-Salatu was-Salam 'ala Sayyidil-Mursalin wa 'ala 'Alihi wa Sahbihi Ajma'in. I can't find the hadith about a man who will be, allegedly, with Rasulullah ﷺ ...
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Is saying "LMAO" haram?

Is saying "LMAO" haram? Mention hadiths or verses of the Quran in favour of your answer. I searched them up on google, but didn't find any satisfactory answer.
Zarif Muhtasim's user avatar
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Where can I find the original Arabic version of bin Laden's 1996 fatwa?

For a paper in my Arabic class, I would like to cite from bin Laden's 1996 fatwa "إعلان الحرب ضد الأمريكيين الذين يحتلون أرض الحرمين الشريفين". It would be a little strange to take the ...
bolzep's user avatar
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Please help me verify this/ find source

Assalamualaikum, I recently heard a sheikh give a speech, he said Prophet (Saw) sent letter to Oman from Amr Ibn al aas, and the two kings: abd and jayfar converted willingly. I have found this to be ...
Question seeker's user avatar
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Did abu hanifah say aqeeqah is an innovation?

I spent 30 minutes looking for evidences for a statement i heard. The statement is : Abu Hanifa said aqeeqah (sunnah of sacrificing animals to withdraw new born as mortgage from Allah) is an ...
Shaik Abdullah 's user avatar
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Does anyone know the reference of a few Arabic words?

Are these words from the Quran or Hadith: "le Qaumi ya lamun le Qaumi yafqahun le Qaumi yuminun"? If yes, please state reference. I don't know how to write it in Arabic but I heard these in ...
lookatmenow's user avatar
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Did Malik really sell the roof of his house in order to study?

Until a few days ago I've heard to similar or identical statements about two different, but related scholars one saying: Imam Malik sold the roof of his house in order to study. Another saying: ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Quran, Mutawatir?

As it is commonly said that "Quran is mutawatir". Question: I just want to know, is there anyone from the Salaf who has said "Quran is mutawatir" ?? I mean, the word "...
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Did Al-Buraq really have wings?

Everyone seems to somehow know this but I could not find a hadith in support of it.
Hisham's user avatar
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Source identification on quote from Imam Ahmad regarding Allah's attributes

Can someone share the reference for where Imam Ahmad is alleged to have said the following regarding the divine attributes of Allah and whether the meaning should be affirmed or not: “We believe and ...
Sami's user avatar
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Which Hadith in Mustadrak Al Hakim prophecised the battle of Jamel?

Watching this video (Timestamp: 46:37 - 48:00) about the Signs of the day of Judgement Sheikh Yasir Qadhi mentions that there is a hadith in Mustadrak Al Hakim in which Battle of Jamel is prophecised....
Waqas Abbasi's user avatar
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who is qualified to lead the Taraweeh prayer?

I attend a Mosque in an area where there are 2/3 brothers that have appointed themselves as Imams. The one person has not memorized the Quran front to back and vise versa. Both self claimed Imams have ...
a sister's user avatar
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What is the source of the given hadith?

The Prophet ﷺ said, “God loves the critical gaze upon doubtful matters and the accomplished intellect at the onslaught of egoic desires.” إن الله يحب البصر الناقد عند ورود الشبهات والعقل الكامل عند ...
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Do we actually know which of the terms Musa () completed?

In surat al-Qassas a long passage tells us the story of Musa (). In the part telling what happened after reaching Madyan, we learn that he married one of the daughters of the old man under the ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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What is the authenticity of the statement that Yusuf peace be upon him was given (only) half of the beauty?

It seems like common knowledge that the prophet Yusuf was a handsome man. Allah the Almighty says in the surah Yusuf: So when she heard of their scheming, she sent for them and prepared for them a ...
ياsr's user avatar
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Is there such hadith about women working in Musnad Ahmad?

Is there such hadith in Musnad Ahmad where Prophet PBUH said that, ahead of the hour, women will enter the workforce out of love for this world? I read it as one of the signs of the hour (day of ...
Baz's user avatar
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Is fasting on so called "white days" inherited from Adam and Hawwa?

Is fasting on so called "white days" (13th, 14th and 15th day of a lunar month) inherited from Adam and Hawwa? I heard this claim from an old man, that Adam and Hawwa were the first people ...
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What is the authenticity of the narration that says that Jesus (Alayhisalam) was raised from Mt.Olives in Israel?

Where can I find this narration? Here is the original Arabic text of the narration that says that Jesus (Alayhisalam) was raised from Mt.Olives in Israel:- عن صفية أم المؤمنين رضي الله عنها أنها كانت ...
Ren's user avatar
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Hadith on believers being asked about their luxuries in this world

Is anyone able to please help me find the hadith in which Rasoolullah SAW stated that the believers will be asked about each luxury they have had in this world, even a cold glass of water?
H. Muhammad's user avatar
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Is this written in Fath al-Bari or Shama'il Muhammadiyah?

The Prophet ﷺ said, A part of earth is present in everyone's navel with which he was created and in it he will be buried. I, Abu Bakr and Umar were created from the same earth and will be buried in ...
AbdulWahid Bin Sharif's user avatar

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