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Questions tagged [oaths]

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1 vote
1 answer

Is this way to pay the kaffarah for not fulfilling my promise to Allah correct?

Assalamwalikum, I made a promise to Allah and I also said him that if I broke my promise I will fail in exam. And by mistake I broke my promise, and now I am afraid, i can't be able to concentrate on ...
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1 answer

Will a promise not to watch/read anime be broken if I inadvertently see it in videos unrelated to anime? [closed]

I made a promise to Allah not to watch/read any anime that has sexual content in it. I have kept my promise over the past year, but recently I found myself whenever I watch any video, I fear that I ...
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2 answers

Is it haram to accidentally make an oath to my husband that I did not do something I actually did?

I accidentally made an oath to my husband. I told him 'I swear to you, I didn't do it' (even though I had done it) without even thinking twice. I want to undo this. I have heard that swearing on ...
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2 answers

After making an oath to try to not repeat a sin, I tried but repeated the sin; do I have to offer expiation?

I committed a sin a week or two ago, and I swore to Allah that I would try to stop it and I did try to stop but until not too long ago where I fell into sin. Do I have to offer expiation for breaking ...
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1 answer

About validity of a marriage due to swear by the name of child

I have given divorce to my husband. and I made promise on my child for not doing 2nd marriage.Is there any procedure to break this promise
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0 answers

Swearing by Allah's name not to tell a secret but to my mother [closed]

If I swear by Allah's name not to tell anyone a secret except to my mother, is this haram? Because what if we have to tell our mothers everything?
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1 answer

"Deal with Allah"? Second Chances?

Salam, I am a 19 year old man in college in America. I have been addicted to masturbation since I was 11 years old, and have tried so much to stop it. I am currently attempting to see if I can find ...
3 votes
2 answers

Is it a sin to break an unfair oath?

Let's say someone was forced into making an oath on the Quran to vote for the incumbent government upon becoming a citizen of that country. The person could not become a citizen without making this ...
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1 answer

Is it okay to make an oath to give money to the poor or fast in return on the condition that something happens?

People use to say if this (condition) happen than I will give certain amount of money to poor, or I will fast for, for example 10 days. I want to know is it okay? Promising GOD that please do this (...
2 votes
1 answer

What would happen if someone took an oath on a persons grave and lied?

My friend recently took an oath on her dead grandmother an later we discovered she was lying; I want to know what would happen?
3 votes
1 answer

Difference between making something permissible forbidden, and stipulating to not do something permissible in a contract or oath

Although I can't find a text saying exactly this, making something permissible forbidden or making something forbidden permissible is a (I think major) sin in Islam; see e.g. 16:116 for something ...
3 votes
1 answer

Does "I swear..." constitute an oath?

I am a Muslim and I am thinking about if I said "I swear to/that..." will it be considered as an Islamic oath (like saying (in Arabic) "oqsm b Allah")? I might need to say that to somebody who is not ...
4 votes
2 answers

What is the meaning behind the word Asr (العصر)?

In Surat Al Asr, Allah begins by swearing by the time: و العصر The scholars of interpretation have differed on the interpretation of this verse, some said it meant time, others said it meant the ...
9 votes
2 answers

What should I do if I accidentally swear to do something bad out of anger?

For example, my child spends all his/her pocket money for snacks in one day. Then, I swear that I won't give any money to him/her forever. What should I do after a situation like this?
2 votes
1 answer

Do I need to fulfil an oath made out of anger?

I made an oath about a thing in anger. I didn't actually want to make an oath, but my situation and my anger made me do it. My question is: do I need to fulfil the promise, or I can break it?
8 votes
1 answer

Why do Allah swear by Himself in Qur'an 70:40?

I have question concerning surah (70:40). So I swear by the Lord of [all] risings and settings that indeed We are able ... Does Allah (swt) swear by Himself? Is there any particular reason? ...
7 votes
5 answers

Does Allah commit shirk by swearing on things lesser than Him (e.g. the Qur'an)? [closed]

(Legit questions, looking for answers) According to Islam, shirk is the worst sin you can possibly commit, the only unforgivable sin. Shirk is associating partners with Allah. According to Muhammad, ...
2 votes
1 answer

I told a small lie to prevent trouble after swearing to God I would tell the truth; is it a sin and what do I do?

Today my friends asked me if I could say "I swear in God I will say the truth" so said that. Then they asked me a question. However, if I answered this question a lot of my friends will be in trouble,...
1 vote
2 answers

Is breaking a promise to Allah to not talk to a person a major sin?

I made a promise to Allah that I shall never speak to a person in college and it was a boy. But that person is sincerely asking for forgiveness by sending messages and calls. I kept ignoring, without ...
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1 answer

What is the punishment for breaking an oath to Allah about playing games?

I promised to Allah that I will not play online games but I didn't keep my promise. First question: what is the punishment? Second question: what will the new punishment be if I still play? Will ...
-1 votes
3 answers

If I swear "I will not do..." with my hand on my head, is it considered an oath?

Keeping my hand on my head, if I say "I will not do..." is it considered an oath? How could I do it again, if necessary?
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1 answer

Is it okay to swear by the Quran to refute a claim made about me?

Someone has asserted a wrong statement about me, which I have never done in my life. They were trying to punish me, even though I was innocent. So I swear by Quran in front of them they knew that ...
2 votes
1 answer

What happens if someone fails to not sleep for three days as punshment for a sin after making an oath?

Suppose someone makes a promise to Allah (swt) not to sleep for 3 days as a punishment for a sin and ask Allah (swt) not to forgive him if he break it. While he tried not to sleep, he could not ...
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1 answer

What should I do after accepting my husband's oath not to take tea from me?

My husband asked me to accept his oath that he wouldn't take tea from me. As I was angry, I said yes, but now he blaming me for accepting his oath. But my point is that no one should accept someone ...
2 votes
1 answer

What happens if I play a mobile game I was made to swear not to play on the Quran?

Today an incident happened. I am so addicted to a game on my mobile, my father saw this and he took the Quran and made me to promise that I won't play the game from now onwards. But I am so addicted ...
9 votes
5 answers

Is it permitted for a Muslim to recite the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance?

Many sects of many religions take issue with the U.S. pledge of allegiance. What is (or are?) the Islamic view on this issue? Is pledging allegiance to the United States flag (or other similar ...
1 vote
1 answer

I need help in seeking forgiveness from Allah

I had made an oath to Allah that I will not do a specific deed for the rest of my life.I tried my best to fulfill this oath but one day I ended up breaking the oath.I am very scared now that Allah ...
1 vote
1 answer

Swearing an oath to commit a sin?

Let's say that someone swears an oath to commit a sin. What would be worse? Carrying out that oath or Breaking that oath.
1 vote
1 answer

About validity of a marriage due to swear by the name of Allah

Assalamu Alaikum, A man likes a woman. one day they had a quarrel and due to anger, the man did a swear by the name of Allah, that he would not continue the relation anymore. After the man regrets ...