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Questions tagged [najis]

use this tag in context of questions asking whether an item is ritually impure

23 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can we eat foods just tasted by crows?

A crow has taken a fish from the pot of fishes with gravy(liquid) and flew away. In this case can I eat the rest food? Is it made najis or is it become Haram ? By the way, I don't know whether that ...
Aisha's user avatar
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Is there a scholarly consensus that "touching impurities directly is unlawful except for a necessity"?

In the context of Muslims touching pork, an IslamWeb fatwa writes: Scholars of Islam (Ulamah) state that touching impurities directly is unlawful except for a necessity. I was unsuccessful at ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Is there any differences in concept of "Najes" between Shia & Sunni

There is some differences between Ahkam احکام of shia and sunni. Is there something Najes نجس in sunni which is clean in shia or ViseVersa?
MR_BD's user avatar
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Will my prayer mat become impure by washing it together with clothes that have sperm on them?

I washed my prayer mat (janemaz) with an article of clothing having sperm on it. Will the prayer mat become impure?
Anonymous's user avatar
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How can I ensure my prayer is accepted when I encounter impurities from a shared school bathroom?

If somehow urine splits onto my pants and then it becomes dry and then I touched that part with wet hand, is my hand impure? Again if the dry part again comes in contact with water and becomes wet and ...
Md Shanto Islam's user avatar
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Does pollution render activities haram?

Nowadays, many tasks inevitably result in some degree of pollution. Transportation, be it driving cars, having non-local food shipped internationally, or even flying to Mecca to perform Hajj, is a ...
Newman's user avatar
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Is it permissible to use fertilisers?

Can you please tell me if it is allowed in Islam, to use these type of organic fertilizers for indoor plants and aquatic plants? Types of products: Organic humus soil or Organic vermi soil bone ...
Abu's user avatar
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About naajasah (impurity) transfer

I didn't knew masturbation was haram so I masturbated and something was released from me so i touched that liquid and without that liquid on my hand i touched my blanket, mosquito net but after a ...
Samiha's user avatar
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Is deodrant halal for men?

Most of the deodorants available in the market contain alcohol in high amount. Is it allowed to use such deodorants? Is that najis?
Muhzin's user avatar
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Are wounds (ones that are still bleeding) considered najis/defiling?

Will they prevent one from doing proper wudu and salat? Furthermore, are there pardon/dispensation concerning wounded body parts with bandage/gauze for us to leave them dry during wudu? Someone had ...
user12714's user avatar
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Are you allowed to pray on a floor that’s najis?

Are you allowed to pray on a floor that’s najis, but dry, if you are praying on a prayer mat? By dry najis I mean that there for example has been something najis such as blood that has dried up.
meli1182's user avatar
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Should I check my underwear each time before prayer?

Sometimes I find impurities on my underwear. So should I check for impurities each time before salah? I also have feeling sometimes of impurity but don't know if it's a waswasah or not.
user20152's user avatar
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Married muslim, How do you deal with madzi in bed and prayer?

i am a married male. Frequently have intimacy with my wife in bed. I believe that semen is pure, but in the case of madzi/mazi, most scholar are in opinion that it is impure. When married couple are ...
Abdullah's user avatar
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Taharah about the mattress

Assalmu alaikum My question is concerning about me being in the state of impurity and about whether my bed is impure or not. I was in a state impurity earlier and fell asleep last night, which was ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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semen on clothes after washing impure?

Please advise me with one thing, I had wet dream at night, I woke up took ghusl and went on with my day and when I came back my mum washed those impure bottoms, I wore & sometime later found that ...
Ahmed 's user avatar
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What should I do about this impurity

Assalamualaikum During an exam, I was desperate for the toilet but I thought I could hold it in until the end of the exam. I ended up wetting myself and I didn't tell anyone because I was too ...
Dough9678's user avatar
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If a dog licks a surface but this surface has dried and you cannot see any wetness is this surface still classed as najis?

if a dog licks a surface such as a bean bag and this surface is not wet anymore is it still classed as dirty? if it is how can i clean it ?
Dana M's user avatar
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Is it sufficient to rub an impurity under tap water if the stain is still visible afterwards?

I got an impurity on my trousers. I rubbed the place a little under water. Then I used it, but the stain of impurity was still visible, as the area was wet. It touched my skin. Is the trouser impure? ...
Muhammad Shah's user avatar
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Pork byproducts in different names

Assalamu 'alaikum, I have a difficulty for keeping my body pure and sometimes I feel it is very hard to keep it like that. Because these days almost every product is related to some animal origin, ...
Sidheeq K's user avatar
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Is there a condition to use only toilet tissue for cleaning?

The ahadith mention using water or a minimum of 3 stones (stones=toilet tissue today) and the number should be odd. Scholars state both can be used together even though there is no Hadith where both ...
user25689's user avatar
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Waswas about najasa

Assalamu allaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Question: How do I wash off the najasah from my body? Everyone says that it should be washed off, but how exactly? Will it be enough to take a handful ...
Jason14's user avatar
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Purity related question

If your penis touches your thigh does this make the place that the penis touched impure? Or it still remains pure as it is just a body part
Fudgehdugxfrd's user avatar
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If A dog licks a surface and this surface is cleaned with a sponge and this same sponge is used to clean somewhere else is that other place najis

If someone washed a dog in a bath tub and this bath tub was cleaned using bleach and a sponge then this same sponge was used to clean another shower, is this second shower classed as najis?
Dana M's user avatar
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