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Questions tagged [men]

Questions about or that apply specifically to men.

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13 votes
4 answers

What is the sunnah in dressing for men?

I have seen a queston about dressing for women. I need to know : What does Islam say about men's clothing? Is it permitted to wear t-shirt,jeans in public? Is it permitted to tuck-in the shirts? ...
Azik Abdullah's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Is wearing ring a sunnah for men?

Is wearing ring a Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) for men? If yes: What are the etiquettes in that(ie,which type of ring, in which hand, in which finger...)? If NO: Why many of the muslim ...
Azik Abdullah's user avatar
11 votes
7 answers

Is it obligatory for Muslim men to cover their heads while praying?

I have noticed that a majority of men cover their heads head with a cap or something to cover the hair while offering salah. Is this mandatory? What if sometimes you don't find a cap or cloth to cover ...
defau1t's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Can Muslim men and women shave their body?

In summer when going to Swimming, it can be quite embarrassment to go with hairy body. Also I do not personally like hairs on my body. I am not sure if Islam allows shaving the body? If yes, can one ...
muslim1's user avatar
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3 answers

Red color clothes for men in Islam

I heard in a bayan that Red colour clothes are only permitted for women and not for men in Islam. Is it correct? If yes, I need hadith source for this. What about Pink, Rose, light and dark ...
Azik Abdullah's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

When should the marriage party(Walima) be given?

It is the sunnah of Prophet(PBUH) to give Walima(marriage party). When should a bride groom give the treat for his marriage? I need the quickest time. ie, From when can a bride groom give the ...
Azik Abdullah's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Why are women not told to hit their husband?

In Islam the men (husbands) are allowed to hit their wife's if they do something which is against Islam. I understand that this does not mean that they can hit hard and it is just a light hit with the ...
Aisha's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is it haram for a man to watch an unveiled women on TV?

When we watch television we constantly keep our eyes on a person in the TV show. “O Ali! Do not turn round to look! The first look is all right but you have no right for the second look.” Based ...
NesreenA's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Is it permissible for men to wear women's undewear because they are more comfortable and have better colors?

I've asked this question before, and I want to reiterate it to clear up some misconceptions. Please do not immediately downvote this post (most people do), and read it in full before making any ...
user8189's user avatar
  • 141
6 votes
3 answers

Can males pluck their eyebrows?

The Hadith which refers to the one plucking eyebrows being cursed is to females so can males pluck them? (Mine have a few long hairs and it would be nicer to remove these longer ones to look tidy. ...
user20005's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is ear piercing permissible?

Islam doesn't allow to change the features created by Allah like removing the face hairs, creating a space between tooth artificially to look beautiful.- Bhukhari I have some questions under this ...
Azik Abdullah's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What is Ayatollah Khamenei's ruling regarding men wearing short trousers in front of women (in streets or parties)?

Occasionally I see some boys or men who wear shorts (short trousers) in the streets or other public places. (Or even in the parties). On the other hand, According to Resalah-al-Amaliah ( ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why are men not told to cover from head to toe in a thick outer garment? [closed]

Women are told to cover their bodies properly with a loose and thick outer garment (hijab). However men are only told to cover a section of their body. I understand that one should guard their private ...
Zohal's user avatar
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2 answers

Tidying beard by trimming allowed?

Muslim men are told to leave the beard and trim the moustache. There is some discussion whether you can trim more than a fistful of the beard. Besides that can you trim the hairs if they are sticking ...
user20778's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Can men look at old women without veil (hijab)?

As a rule of thumbs, the faces of old women are commonly less attractive ..., so, based on this theory: What is the opinion of Islam regarding looking at old women (as non-mahram) without hijab? Is ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What is the 'awrah for men? Should a man lower his gaze on seeing another shirtless man?

Should I lower my gaze whenever I see a shirtless man, and is it Haram for me to look at him? And is it Haram for me to look at the knees of others because knees are supposed to be covered? I looked ...
Abdullah Shahid's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it permissible for men to carry gold, golden objects, or equipment coated in gold?

For men, is it permissible to carry gold or golden objects or equipment or tools or such coated in gold? To carry it daily, even though he may not need it, but just in case he does.
Versel's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is the torso/chest/trunk of a man considered as awrah?

It is always stated in Islamic sites that men's awrah is from knees to navel. (for example ). I have searched hadiths about that, and I have found many hadiths about ...
qdinar's user avatar
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3 answers

Permissibility to kill all adult males

Is it permissible to kill all men from the kuffar when a city or a land have been conquered by muslims, there will be men who actually fought against the muslims and there will be some men who never ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Does transitioning from male to female go against Islam?

I'm 21 years old and transgender, and I've experienced it from my childhood. People says that transsexuals are prohibited in Islam, but I feel it is totally wrong. They think like we are trying to ...
Manha's user avatar
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0 answers

Are men who go topless sinners? [duplicate]

I read that the 'awrah' for males in Islam is from the belly button to the knees. If true, do men who go topless these days with just their jeans/pants/shorts exposing their awrah as the lower ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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0 answers

Is there a ruling that says a man has to wear a head cover, in general or during prayer? [duplicate]

I understand that there is no mention in the Quran or the Hadith of a head covering for males. It is a custom learned from the Prophet and is there in the Sunnah. I would like to know if there is ...
D.S's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes
3 answers

When proposing / before agreeing to marry a woman, how much can a man look at her (body)?

I found the following evidence: A lady came to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! I have come to you to offer myself to you." He raised his eyes and looked at her and ...
Salma's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
2 answers

Is it permissible for Muslim men/women to modify or set their eye brows?

Can I please have references for whether modifying, setting or doing anything with the eye brows for the sole purpose of looking good/better is permissible for our Muslim men/women or not?
user1379280's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it halal to use gold phones for men?

There are some electronics like iPhone 5(S), were made of gold. Is it halal to use them for men? My general question is, Is it permitted on Islam for men to use gold products(not as a jwell)? It ...
Azik Abdullah's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the ruling of gold teeth implanting (for men)?

As an Islamic rule, it is Haram (forbidden) for men to wear the gold (as a ring or necklace). I was wondering if the implanting of gold teeth has the same ruling or it is permissible? (As some ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is avoiding overt displays of masculinity part of the male hijab?

A Muslim woman may be instructed that her behavior is considered part of the female hijab, and she should avoid displays of femininity, such as softening your voice (IslamWeb), and instead adopt ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do the rules for men travelling alone and women travelling alone differ?

Throughout Islam, there is a lot of attention on women travelling alone, with attitudes varying significantly. Indeed, there's several questions on this site relating to women travelling alone: Can ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can a male athlete accept gold medals at competitions?

I am thinking of taking part in some athletic contests. The authority will award the winners with gold medals. But as far as I know men aren't allowed to wear gold. So how can one accept gold medals ...
Murmamirr Mohaimen 's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Was the Qur'an intended to be read by men?

There are some verses of the Qur'an which are written as if the reader is male, which makes me wonder: Question: Was the Qur'an intended to be read by men? Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is there an Islamic reason non-mahram Muslim men refuse to let me buy them e.g. coffee or a meal?

New Muslim question... I hang around with Muslims more nowadays; sometimes we go out for meals or get coffee or something, and I offer to pay. There's a range of reasons for doing so, partly just to ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Female supervising men in Factory

My wife is planning to establish a pure water factory. In the Factory 75% of the workers will be men, while she supervise/manage them. What is the ruling regarding these issue.Kindly site references ...
Hassan Mohammed Kabir's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Do males wear under garments in Ihram?

I heard that, unlike females, male pilgrims wear only two sheets of cloth (Ihram). Does this mean they are not allowed to wear undergarments to protect their modesty?
Ahmed's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the ruling on having a "professorial" beard?

I am aware that it is Haram to be clean-shaven and Muslim men ought not to shave their beard completely, but I'd like to know if it is Haram to shave the beard like "professorial beard". I mean a ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does a barren woman need to complete iddah (period of waiting) after divorce?

If a woman can't have children as she had her womb removed or her tubes severed which means that she will not "conceal what Allah has created in their wombs if they believe in Allah and the Last Day. ....
Rehana's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Does Islam promote, and or enforce stereotypes on males and females?

Does Islam promote, and or enforce stereotypes on males and females? Two examples are (but not limited to): Females should or must lack a university level education, and focus on housework. Males ...
Opcode's user avatar
  • 455
2 votes
1 answer

Is marrying a second wife makruh (disliked) even if the husband can treat his wives equally?

Under Islamic marital jurisprudence, Muslim men are allowed to practice polygyny, that is, they can have more than one wife at the same time, up to a total of four. -- Polygyny in Islam, Wikipedia ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it permissible for men to watch sports of women via Television? (Shi'a View)

I was wondering if it is permissible(Halal) for boys to watch the sport matches which their players are young girls. Note: I’m looking for the viewpoint of Shi'a about it.
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is it halal for women to recite the Quran (loudly) in front of non-mahrams? (Shia view)

Occasionally, it can be watched in some channels on the television where women recite the Qur'an (loudly). I was wondering it is permissible (halal) for men who are non-mahrams to hear their voices? ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is determining which niqabi is your wife a problem for Muslim men?

One practical problem I see about women wearing niqab is that it may be difficult to distinguish one woman from another. (E.g. "the one with long brown hair..." is not effective.) Question: Is ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can men leave their hair short in sides and long in middle?

Should men get their hair equally cut in sides and middle or can they leave it short in sides and long in middle? I have seen some men get their hair cut equally on whole scalp.
Abu AbdulQayyum's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What verses of the Qur'an urge veiling for men/women, and what is the justification?

What verses of the Qur’an urge for the veiling, or covering of women? Do they call any reason for such? Do any verses urge for veiling of men?
Rohit's user avatar
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1 answer

Can men wear platinum, diamonds, etc.?

I know it is Haram for men to wear gold, how about platinum, or say diamond. Is that Haram too?
motiur's user avatar
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1 answer

my mental issue and my obligations as a Muslim contradict

assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh so i want to ask, I'm a teenager Muslim male, but i, for my entire life i rarely pray at masjid because my social anxiety, im afraid to meet another people ...
o pie's user avatar
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1 answer

is there any verse where it says men have more physical strength than women?

Assalamu Alaikum. I just want to know is there anywhere in the Quran where it clearly says that,men were given more physical strength when compared to women. if yes please explain it detailly. And if ...
Mohmed Shahid's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Are tucked-in shirts and pants non-Islamic?

It is a fact that Islam lays great emphasis on modesty just like Judaism and other orthodox religions. But why do we as Muslims enforce it mostly on women? Men also have to cover their awrah which is ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Wearing a Ring for man on right hand middle finger

As-Salamu-Alaikum, Few days ago a man told me to wear a ring on my right hand at middle finger. He told me that if I use that ring I can control my angers and it will be very helpful for my career. ...
moinul's user avatar
  • 13
1 vote
3 answers

If a female is meeting a non mahram in a room, who should the mahram be with her?

No man should be alone with a woman and vice versa, there should be a third person. So the third person should be a male or a female? What should be the relationship between the third person and the ...
Anonymous's user avatar
  • 174
1 vote
1 answer

Can men wear artificial jewellery?

Can I wear artificial jewellery like a steel ring or a steel chain. I know that wearing gold or real jewellery is haram for men. But I've seen thousands of wearing steel jewellery. The question is can ...
Muhammad 's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it tohmat to assume that two people are together?

Is it tohmat to assume that two people are together if you’ve seen pictures of them together? And then tell your nearest about it even though you aren’t 100% sure?
meli1182's user avatar
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