Questions tagged [jannah]

The Islamic conception of paradise.

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How do some people know that a certain person/group will go to hell?

I often encounter Muslim people here or there who claim that atheists, Christians, Jews, tribal pagans, [insert a group of people], etc. and people who do this and that will go to hell. Now, I want ...
SpiderRico's user avatar
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Who will be the first person(s) who enter the paradise?

As an Islamic rule, good Muslims or Mo'menin (God willing all Muslims) will enter the Jannah after Qiamah (Judgment Day). I was wondering who are going to be considered as the first persons who will ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
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Can we say "Only 70000 of Muhammeds(pbuh) followers will enter Paradise"?

There are many hadiths which says only 70000 of last Prophets followers will enter paradise without reckoning e.g Sahih Bukhari Volume 008, Book 076, Hadith Number 549. Narated By Ibn 'Abbas : ...
Enakku's user avatar
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Men get Alhour Alein, what do women get?

We all know that when Muslims who die while believing in Islam and go to heaven will be rewarded many things from Allah, one of these things is exclusively for men which is (Alhour Alein) or the "...
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If you are a wealthy person do you have less chance of entering Jannah?

Below hadith says majority people of the Jannah were the poor so does that means people who were wealthy have less chance of entering Jannah? Please someone explain me what below hadith means? It ...
MrJannah's user avatar
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When a woman's husband dies and she remarries, which husband will she be with in Jannah?

When a woman's husband dies and she marries another man; with whom she shall be in Jannah, with her first husband or second husband?
user24265's user avatar
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Is this hadith still valid? "...spread peace, feed the hungry, and pray at night when people are sleeping..."

"Abdullah ibn Salam said: When the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, came to Medina, the people rushed towards him and it was said, “The Messenger of Allah has come!” I came along ...
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Is it true that two people who love each other but cannot be together will meet in Jannat?

I love someone and she loves me too but there are problems, due to which we cannot have a relationship for a long time, but she and I decided that we will both meet with each other in Jannat. It is ...
Ashir's user avatar
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Will Gautama Buddha reside in Jannah after judgment?

In many Christian sects there is a concept/notion usually labeled the "virtuous pagan". That is, those who were not evangelized in life, yet lived beneficent and virtuous lives, can receive salvation ...
Dharma Bum's user avatar
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Existence of places other than the hell and heaven

Recently it was brought to my knowledge that there are certain hadith which point to the fact that places other then sole hell and heaven exist. Is it that true? "Places" here refers to the places ...
Bleeding Fingers's user avatar
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Will Jinns be with humans in the paradise and Hell?

To the best of my knowledge, Jinns have options to commit sin or not (like humans). As a consequence, they'll go to the Jannah (heaven) or hell based on their good and bad deeds. As a result, my ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
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Once in hell, under what known circumstances will a person be able to leave?

Of course, as Muslims we believe that Allah knows what we do not. However, I was wondering what known circusmstances there are under which a person in hell will be able to leave, taking into account ...
user8973's user avatar
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Are the heaven of the children (who die) the same as the main Jannah who Momenin go? (Shia view)

I have heard that children won't go to the heaven which Mo'menin (believers) will go (I mean the children who die before the age of puberty). In truth, they will go to another place which is not as ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
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What rewards will be in highest level Jannah?

I would like to know rewards you will get if you enter highest level Jannah aka Jannatul-Firdaws. I couldn't find much about highest level Jannah. Most people know what a lowest level person in ...
MrJannah's user avatar
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What will Jannah be like?

Based on the hadith, in Jannah, you will have everlasting happiness and you will get anything you want. But the real question is, what happens if two people have contradictory desires? For example, ...
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Is this true that all Mumins will eventually go to Paradise?

A friend of mine told me few days ago that all of those who do believe in fundamental beliefs of Islam will ultimately go to Jannat, after suffering punishment (if awarded) for their sins in Jahannam. ...
Mohayemin's user avatar
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Only 10 Sahabas were given the news of Paradise, what about the others? [duplicate]

There were many of Sahabas (Peace & Blessing upon all of them), some says 200 000, some other says 124 000 witnessed the farewell. Thousands of Sahabas RA died in battles. Out of all these Sahabas,...
Noor's user avatar
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Does putting a Muslim body in the pig's body prevent his soul from going to paradise?

I have heard that while a Muslim body is in a pig's body, his soul is prevented from reaching paradise. Is this true or false?
Tilmiz's user avatar
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How to know that my father who has passed away some days ago is forgiven by Allah and he is at the best place?

My father has passed away a few weeks ago. I miss him dearly. I am desperate to know that he is better placed, Allah had mercy on him, he is in Jannah and he does not have any regrets and sorrows in ...
Adaughter's user avatar
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Can we make dua to ask for the highest point in Jannah (heaven)?

Can we make dua to ask for the highest point in Jannah (heaven)?
Bilalm's user avatar
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Does getting killed by a woman affect eligibility for 72 houris?

From Isil fanatics 'fear being killed by a woman will deprive them of virgins in paradise' The increasing number of female soldiers taking to the front line against extremists of the Islamic ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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In jannah could i create my own world? Or enter a world from like a cartoon show? Even go back in time?

I was really curious if i could just enter some of my favorite shows and be one of the characters and live through it and also go back in time? What i mean by going back in time i mean like not ...
anam33's user avatar
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Will Allah Destroy Us?

will Allah (SWT) destroy us completely after a period of time in jannah or hell? If yes, does that mean we will be nothing?
aysha's user avatar
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What's the meaning of the last part of Hadith Al-Musnad 26/230?

In Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan and Musnad Ahmad (26/230): أن نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: أربعة يوم القيامة: رجل أصم لا يسمع شيئا، ورجل أحمق، ورجل هرم، ورجل مات في فترة، فأما الأصم فيقول: رب، لقد جاء ...
Qataada's user avatar
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Where do we go after death?

I am very confused. When someone dies, people say "He's in a better place" or "He's in paradise inshallah". The thing is, I heard that humans live in the grave first until judgement day and then if ...
Have Patience's user avatar
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If I suppress my desires and refrain from homosexuality, will I get male spouses in paradise? [duplicate]

So I agree with everything about Islam and I can understand why gay marriage is not allowed. But if I live a good life and make it to Jannah, will Allah allow me to be in a homosexual relationship? I ...
Jacob T's user avatar
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People of Jannah are "thirty or thirty-three years", but I wasn't a Muslim at that age. Does this have any relevance?

Ahadith claim that people of Jannah are thirty-three years old: The people of Paradise shall enter Paradise without body hair, Murd, with Kuhl on their eyes, thirty years of age or thirty-three ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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What is the purpose of 7 heavens?

Why did Allah create 7 heavens? I am aware that only Allah knows the answer, but is it explained in the Quran why there are 7 heavens?
Yahya777's user avatar
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Is there any point of doing any good deeds?

On day of judgement if you have backbitten someone your good deeds will given to that person or if you don't have good deeds you will take his evil deeds. We all know everyone backbite, it's ...
MrJannah's user avatar
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What is the difference in practical terms, between one who enters Al-Firdous and one who merely enters Jannah?

Al-Firdous is well-known as being the highest and loftiest part of Heaven (Jannah). A common dua recited, from the sunnah of the Prophet (saw) is: "O Allah, I ask You for al-Firdaws al-A‘la, the ...
Ahmed Tawfik's user avatar
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How many women of Jannah will each man get?

How many women of Jannah (hoor al ayn) will each ordinary man get? Does it depend on which level of Jannah one is in? Please provide relevant hadiths with your answer.
MrJannah's user avatar
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Does the reward of goat qurbani(uḍḥiyyah ) in Eid al-Adha goes to deeds of a deceased

Does the reward of goat qurbani(uḍḥiyyah) in Eid al-Adha goes to deeds of a deceased. My little brother(20 years old) has died recently I wanted to do goat qurbani(uḍḥiyyah ) in Eid al-Adha. Will ...
Firoza Shaikh's user avatar
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Do you have to be married in paradise?

If you don't get married in this life, do you have to get married in the next if you enter Jannah? Allah SWT knows me best, what if I do not want to get married? Here, and the next? What if I don't ...
CuriosityRevivedtheCat's user avatar
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Does "Paradise lies beneath your mother feet" imply the value of a mother is greater than the value of heaven?

There is a hadith which says "Paradise lies beneath your mothers feet". Does this mean that the value of a mother is greater than the value of heaven? So a mother will always be more valuable then ...
user3254198's user avatar
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Heaven becomes boring?

I have not found the answer to this and I was wondering if Paradise is all pleasure and no goals, work, et cetera, wouldn't the soul's purpose be abolished and thus making them feel worthless and ...
nelomad's user avatar
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If the wine in heaven doesn't get you drunk, what's the point of having alcohol in heaven then?

I never drank in my life but after herring that alcohol in heaven will not get you drunk I started thinking what's the point of alcohol in heaven then?
Muhammad 's user avatar
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Our relation to God and the prophet Muhammad in paradise

When is the first time that we can see God? In paradise can we talk to God while seeing him and have an answer from him on the spot, and can we talk to the prophet Muhammad at any time?
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What women will get after death? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Men get Alhour Alein, what do women get? I am concerned about the part after people go to heaven. Men will get to marry beautiful virgin women called "hoor" or "hur" “...
Ashu's user avatar
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The concept of worship in Jannah

The Quran states that the people of Jannah will greet each other with salam, and will (often) utter alhamdulliah. To my knowledge, there is no worship in Jannah. Is this explicitly mentioned in any ...
blackened's user avatar
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Would Allah accept your good deeds if your intention is only to recieve rewards?

As far as I know, if we worship Allah or do any good deeds our intention should be is to only please Allah or do them good deeds His sake. What if your intention is to get rewards or get salvation ...
MrJannah's user avatar
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Was Adam (as) predestined to eat from the forbidden tree?

Assalam o Alaikum brothers, Someone just asked me a question, and to be frank, I didn't have a substantial reply. I'm also quiet confused now regarding this topic. I understand that Allah swt in ...
Insaan's user avatar
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Will I be among the 70,000 people if Ruqya was done without my permission?

Salam brothers and sisters. I read in hadees that if Muslim did ruqya he will not be in 70000 people entering paradise without any question. I think when I wasn’t adult my parents and brothers used ...
user27934's user avatar
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Can you enter jannah just by pray juma(friday prayer)?

I don't pray 5 times, I only pray juma salah(Friday prayer) so would I enter jannah if I only pray Friday prayer?. Another way of asking same question is are you still a muslim if you only prayer ...
MrJannah's user avatar
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Is performing namaz mandatory in order to go to heaven?

My 20 years brother died without much knowledge about Islam and he was not doing namaz (salah). However, he was very kind, helpful and good human being. What will happen to him? Will he be punished by ...
Firoza Shaikh's user avatar
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In my jannah can there be no hoors, while in my husband's jannah he will have hoors?

I have been struggling to accept that my husband would get multiple companions and that it would be selfish of me not to allow him to enjoy this reward. This is bounty of Allah. Then this struck me, ...
Lala's user avatar
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Does a person who curses others lose his right to intercession?

I once read in an Islamqa fatawa that cursing others will revoke your right to intercession if you are among the believers who were appointed to heaven. Is it true? If it is, then what are the hadiths ...
money-printer's user avatar
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Isn't the whole concept of prophetism unjust?

As far as I know, the prophets will go directly to the paradise. Since it is God who chooses them, then how is this just ? Isn't it unfair for others who are not chosen by the God ? Sure prophets ...
SpiderRico's user avatar
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Reunion in Paradise

If a man's wife dies, they'll be reunited in paradise isA (if they succeeded in this world) even if the man married a woman after her. So far so good. Now, what if the man dies before his wife and he ...
Abdelrahman Ragab's user avatar
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If I have one wife on Earth, where will the second wife come from in heaven?

Each one of them will have two wives; their marrow could be seen through their flesh [and bones] because of their beauty. If I have 1 wife on earth where will the second wife come from?
Movve Makaveli's user avatar
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What are some mainstream Islamic perspectives on the fate of righteous disbelievers?

Surely there have been many human beings throughout our history who have, despite not believing in Islam, have been extremely decent, kind people. Some of them of course were born before the Prophet, ...
tacos_tacos_tacos's user avatar