Questions tagged [imamah]

In Islam, imamah literally means "leadership". In Shia Islam, it particularly refers to the doctrine that certain individuals are appointed by Allah to lead and guide a community of faith. Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Muhammad and twelve individuals from Muhammad's family and lineage are considered Imams.

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20 votes
4 answers

Why do the Shi'as believe that their Imams can provide divine guidance?

We all know for sure that Prophet Muhammad Sallahu alayhi wassalam was the last Prophet and the seal of the Messengers and he received the final revelation or the "Divine Message". I and most Sunnis ...
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Sunni viewpoint about "vasi" or "hojjat" in each era?

According to Shiism, in every era there must be one person to guide people and to help them obtain spiritual growth and fulfill their responsibilities towards their society. This person is not a ...
abdolah's user avatar
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Is "imam" greater status than prophet?

As salaam aalaikum, Many Shias say that being an "imam" is greater than being a prophet. They normally quote the following verse where Ibrahim (pbuh) prays to be an "imam" after he became a prophet. ...
islam101's user avatar
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How can Shi'a Muslims know which Imam to follow?

All factions of Shi'a Muslims, despite their myriad differences, agree on the fundamental concept of Imamah: That the authority of leading the Islamic state is divinely-granted, and that not following ...
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3 answers

What is the difference between “Caliphate” and” Imamate”?

As far as I know, Sunni believe in Caliphate, and Shia believe in Imamate. My question is that: What is the difference between Imamate and Caliphate?
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar