Questions tagged [ibadah]

Ibadah means worship, examples for worship are: salat (five times prayer), zakat (Obligatory Charity), ziker (remembrance of Allah), and sawm (fasting).

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What acts of worship are prohibited for a woman undergoing menstruation?

I know fasting, prayer, circumambulation and touching the Qur'an are prohibited to woman undergoing menstruation. What others acts of worship are prohibited? Alternatively, I can re-frame the ...
Preordainment's user avatar
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10 answers

Why we should worship God when he doesn't need our worship?

There is a verse in Quran saying God created humans to worship Him. But, God does not need our worship. Does it mean worship is a middle goal to humans so that they be trained for a higher goal? What ...
Battle of Karbala's user avatar
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Is there any special or extra worship legislated for the night of mid-Sha'ban (Shab-e-Barat)?

Is there any special or extra worship legislated for the night of mid-Sha'ban (nisf Sha'ban)? By this I mean is there a reward for worship on this night that is somehow different from any other night? ...
Ansari's user avatar
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If God is a perfect being, why does he desire to be glorified?

If my interpretation of the ultimate purpose of human existence according to the Qur-aan is correct, humanity exists to glorify the existence of God. “I have created the jinn and humankind only ...
Abdul Salam's user avatar
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What is worship (ibadah)?

What is the Islamic definition of Ibadah? What does it consist of? I have looked into several definitions by scholars but none have actually agreed with each other.
Sayyid's user avatar
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Are there gods unworthy of worship?

I've read here that one version of the Shahada (شهادة) is There is no god worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is his messenger Does this imply that there are, or may be, gods unworthy of ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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If Allah created mankind only to worship him, why did he give them freewill?

If the only purpose for mankind was to worship Allah, then why was mankind given freewill? Freewill gives man a chance to disobey and not worship Allah. Why would Allah allow that chance to exist if ...
Ruzaik's user avatar
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Worshiping Allah the Almighty? [duplicate]

I have faith in Allah and His existence, but I have a question: Allah created angels and humans to worship him. Allah is self-sufficient and doesn't need anything, then why the command to Creation to ...
Adam Iqshan's user avatar