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Is it permissible to draw snowflakes?

I know it is not permissible in Islam to draw animate. Snowflakes are not animate. But I am asking this question, snowflakes are related to Christmas. Is it permissible to draw any non-animate things ...
Md Abdur Rahim's user avatar
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Books with images after removing the images

I know that drawn pictures are not permissible in islam but i read a book which has pictures so i erase those pictures and then read the book. Is it wrong for me to do so? It should be noted that i ...
Azfaar Salahuddin's user avatar
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What happens if I draw animate beings unintentionally or not knowing in is a sin?

Assalammualaikum, brothers and sisters, So I used to draw living beings without knowing it is a bad thing in Islam. I wanted to know what to do with the drawings and any punishment/curse for doing ...
Hello I am Zaza's user avatar
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Naked diagrams of human bodies and drawing biological structures

For many medical/biology classes and for the sake of knowledge, students are asked to learn about the human body, while looking at naked pictures (drawn) for both male and female. Additionally, ...
FANerY's user avatar
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Is it haram to put pictures of the part of female body without the face?

Is it haram to put pictures of the part of Muslim female body in order to show the shoes like the picture below? The picture is NOT to show the body itself.
Safia's user avatar
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Can i draw animation? [duplicate]

I learned from hadith you are not allowed to draw portraits. And hang them up. However what if you have drawings with eyes in a book?I don't draw realistic humans just anime or cartoons. Is it allowed?...
feeni 's user avatar
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Is drawing characters for role playing permissible?

As-salamu alaykum, the title says itself but I want to clarify what I mean by this. I wanted to buy myself a drawing tablet and since our friends like to do roleplaying, mostly Dungeons and Dragons ...
Hamza Muratagic's user avatar
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Are these plushies of inanimate objects haram to have as an adult?

Assalamualaikum! I was wondering if the following are haram. I know it's clear animals and humans are haram, but what about things like boba with incomplete features? As you see it only has eyes and ...
arantza's user avatar
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Can I draw a full body, With minimal detail, and without any facial features?

I am looking to create work for extra money. By selling some of my commission, I was wondering if I could sell drawings with anatomy. Specifically, if I can draw bodies, with little detail (obviously ...
Thatone person's user avatar
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Is my drawing halal if I don't draw the ears?

Examples:I draw the body parts,eyes,mouth,hair and all expect ears (please answer)
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Drawing and animating a 3d character with no face

Alsalamulaikm, i wanted to know if i can make a 3d character on my computer for example exactly like spiderman that has no facial features but it does have some goggles or eyes but they are not ...
Muhamad Barzani's user avatar
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making video game

Is making a tank battle video game which does not contain any music or any human, animal, or any living being, only tanks, buildings, trees, terrain and vehicle violence is it haram. And what about ...
Gkm-001's user avatar
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Can I create creatures that do not exist in life

I know that it is forbidden to make a statue and draw a picture of them,similar to the creatures created by Allah, but also applies to creatures that do not exist in life.
Sherxon Suyunov's user avatar
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Photography and drawing, its prohibited. Indulging in it, is it haram

Recently I have been going through various questions on drawing and photography in Islam SE. I have concluded that drawing and photography of animate objects is definitely haram. Just in cases very ...
gluacamole's user avatar
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is drawing anime character haraam or not [duplicate]

I recently started to draw a character that I saw as my desktop wallpaper. Suddenly, I realized that drawing living creatures is haram, and that Allah will ask us to put life into the pictures that we ...
Isham's user avatar
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Drawing Mask or Sunglasses to obscure face

Assalmualaikum, Is it permissible to draw cartoon characters with no facial features (no eyes, mouth, nose, ears) but with head accessory? By this I mean something like the Power Rangers, where no ...
among us's user avatar
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image editing of humans

is there any harm changing background of a human picture? Except the person, can we change the background , which may erase some of minute level of face,shirt at the edges
Afsar Ahmed's user avatar
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Is drawing humans haram even if it wasn't shirk?

Salam, most sources that say it is haram are because I'm mimicking Allah's creation by drawing humans, But I still believe Allah is the creator and I'm not worshipping them either. Is my case still ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Is making images for game development prohibited in islam [duplicate]

Assalamu alaykum my brothers, I've been surfing the internet about if it's halal to draw such human images with facial expressions, but I don't know if some facial expressions such as 2 pixels ...
coconaatti's user avatar
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May peace and blessings be upon you. Can draw a sketch of my wife?

Obviously not drawing to worship that. I'll probably going to dismantle it letting her see.
Abd Abdul Hannan's user avatar
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Who is the target of the prohibition of graphical representations of Allah and Muhamad? [duplicate]

Who is the prohibition addressed to? Believers, or everyone? In other words, is it a requirement of faith where Muslims are themselves banned from the action, or whether they should also actively seek ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Issue around keeping image of deceased father in clinic

My father was a Unani Doctor. He passed away in July 2019. We are 2 brother and I am younger. My elder brother is 20 years older than me and practiced for some time with my father. Our clinic was on ...
silver_fox's user avatar
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Is drawing for the purpose of self expression and fun haram? [duplicate]

I'm 14 years old and I truly love drawing and I decided to draw as a way to distract myself from old haram habits and getting rid of them. I also use drawing as a way of expressing my feelings instead ...
B12's user avatar
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Can we draw illustration of animal footprints, human skull ,beard and moustache?

I'm learning illustration and I'm very much concerned about what are the things that are permissible in art in Islam. I know that any illustration/drawing of a living creature is prohibited My main ...
shaikh_sanan_007's user avatar
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Is it haram to buy from the brand Versace because the logo is a Greek mythological figure?

Asslamu 3leykum my question is if it is allowed to buy from the brand Versace. I have been wanting to buy a fragrance from Versace but I’m not sure if it is haram or halal because it has the logo of ...
Omar 's user avatar
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Drawing eyes on planets & bodies but no face

Hi I’m an artist who draws bodies with clothes on them like on catwalks but I draw no eyes, nose, mouth or ears. Is that allowed? And I also drew planets like Jupiter 🪐 with eyes on them but no mouth ...
Nesrine Rafaey's user avatar
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Is it haram to replace human figures with sprites or beans in games?

I am game developer.. I want to make a game where I want a player figure.. but as it is haram to make human figures and animate them .. can I somehow replace those human figures with something not so ...
X caliber's user avatar
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Is it haraam to watch images of anime that are semi naked?

Is watching anime images, but not the series or any inappropriate moves they do, sinful and haram? Is it haram even if you think it wouldn't lead you to any haram things or to watching inappropriate ...
stev's user avatar
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Is what I'm doing haram? [duplicate]

I'm a thirteen year old boy and I'm experiencing puberty, sometimes when I'm alone, I try not to but end up looking at pictures of non-Muslim girls wearing bikinis/bras (and sometimes pictures of ...
A. Leobell 's user avatar
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Is watching cartoons/anime for entertainment Haram?

If it is Haram, as long as I don't believe what they include or say, am I committing shirk or am I going to get punished like the sketchers of the series?
user avatar
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Are depictions of the prophet PBUH forbidden Islamically? [duplicate]

I always thought this question was asked but can not seem to find it on the website. I would like the input/knowledge of people on their interruption of the ruling of Islam when it comes to drawing ...
user avatar
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What does Islam say about drawing pictures of people or taking photos? [duplicate]

What does Islam say about drawing pictures of people or taking photos? In case it is prohibited, then I must mention that i cannot fly to mecca to perform umrah or hajj without there being a photo ...
Abdul Wasae's user avatar
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Is it haram to design tshirt and sell it online?

I am a Graphics Designer. I want to design t-shirt and then upload it to some online marketplace, where I can sell it. So, the problem is, I want to use Anime (Japanese Animation based on manga/comics)...
Mursarin's user avatar
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Is it allowed if I draw a human from behind in a painting? [duplicate]

I want to paint a nature painting and hang it in my room. But can I add a human only showing the behind?
Anubha Rahman's user avatar
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What is the ruling on printing pictures without hanging them?

What is the ruling on printing pictures of humans (using a printer)? I am aware that we are not allowed to hang pictures but are we allowed to print and keep them without hanging it? I was going to ...
username's user avatar
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i drew lots of anime in my sketch book what should i do?

im kinda scared like i draw anime a lot and the Prophet (saw) said according to the saheeh hadeeth: “Every image maker will be in the Fire.” And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “...
Hana's user avatar
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About Modeling, Models

I'm muslim and I'm so proud of being muslim on this world. I have some simple questions which that never answered before. I'm a student and I still don't have a job because I'm Studying. Anyway, here ...
InFlames's user avatar
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Is seeing a cartoon image permissible

Assalam alaikum I want to know whether is it alright to read manga or anime with cartoon images in it? Recently I read on a islamqa website that watching a cartoon image is permissiible,see this; ...
Khan's user avatar
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are drawing object show characters haram?

I know this is a bit of a weird question but is drawing objects with cartoony faces and limbs haram? I was planning to animate my own object show but I don't know whether is it forbidden or not.
shark's user avatar
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about islamic education animation

assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh so i want to ask something, i know that drawing inanimate objects are strictly forbidden, but i also see some controversy between the scholar about this ...
o pie's user avatar
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can I keep and post my art of human beings on social media if I made it in a time I didn't know it was haram?

I used to draw pictures of living souls, but when I found out it wasn't permissible I stoped. but I kept them and still post my art on social media. I want to know if I should keep them, destroy them ...
Frozan's user avatar
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My Question is is it haram to take picture of a food before eating?

As i have seen many people mostly our muslim, instead of reciting holy verses (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم). They are taking their meal pictures and posting it on their Instagram for to get likes and fame. ...
Ahmed Iqbal's user avatar
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Is this type of novel permissioble to read?

Hello is the fiction novel unordinary(webtoon) permissible to read? This is a story based on ability a person has and has nothing to do with magic in that case will it be permissible to read?
Khan's user avatar
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Is it permissible to redraw characters that are created previously

Is it haram to draw a face or a character or an animal that's from a book or a show or a movie something that's basically already created but you're drawing it on a different canvas your drawing the ...
Shadiah Awad's user avatar
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Drew animate things before knowing it is sin [duplicate]

Jazakallah khair i really appreciate this but im still confused is it haraam to have animal statues?
confused very much's user avatar
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Is drawing haram? (Response to the view that it is permissible)?

The view on the internet seems to be that it is impermissible but after asking students of knowledge I recieved this answer: "The mainstream view (that of the scholars of al-Azhar University) is ...
Frey's user avatar
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Are echhi anime haram?

Echhi anime involve nudity such as Breasts and nipples being shown but never the vagina or any sex in it. Since there is no sex in it like porn is it haram. Echhi anime kind of control your desires so ...
A.Haj's user avatar
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Does hentai haram? [duplicate]

Hentai cartoons are not real that's why they are not mahram for anyone or they are not gonna marry anyone so they are not gonna someone else's wife. Allah say's:One Muslim's honor/respect is deposit(...
Jingnu Bai's user avatar
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I need to comprehend the definition of deliberately bringing kufr thoughts to mind. All the cases. Please may Allah reward you

I have been reading an enciclopedia of things about Islam in the past ten years, so please don't treat me as a beginner. We all agree that deliberately bringing blasphemous and kufr thoughts to mind, ...
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