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Is it permissible to draw snowflakes?

I know it is not permissible in Islam to draw animate. Snowflakes are not animate. But I am asking this question, snowflakes are related to Christmas. Is it permissible to draw any non-animate things ...
Md Abdur Rahim's user avatar
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Books with images after removing the images

I know that drawn pictures are not permissible in islam but i read a book which has pictures so i erase those pictures and then read the book. Is it wrong for me to do so? It should be noted that i ...
Azfaar Salahuddin's user avatar
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My Question is is it haram to take picture of a food before eating?

As i have seen many people mostly our muslim, instead of reciting holy verses (بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم). They are taking their meal pictures and posting it on their Instagram for to get likes and fame. ...
Ahmed Iqbal's user avatar
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Drawing bots is prohibited or not?

I'm pretty sure drawing animate objects is prohibited in Islam but can you explain about drawing robots, since robots only resemble human features but are actually inanimate, is drawing them ...
Hammas's user avatar
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What happens if I draw animate beings unintentionally or not knowing in is a sin?

Assalammualaikum, brothers and sisters, So I used to draw living beings without knowing it is a bad thing in Islam. I wanted to know what to do with the drawings and any punishment/curse for doing ...
Hello I am Zaza's user avatar
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Do i have to burn all my animate paintings?

Assalamualikum, I recently learn drawing/ painting animate objects with with eyes , mouth and nose is haraam. I have decided to only paint landscape from now on. However I'm not sure what I should ...
Amina Ali's user avatar
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Ruling on drawing human beings?

Hello I am a 14 year old muslim girl.I know that drawing human or living things is haram but from one website I found out that drawing that do not have complete features are allowed, so I drew this. ...
Ahamed Mohammed Hasan Ahamed's user avatar
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Is digital art haram?

Asalaamualaikum. I know there is a lot of debate about art and islam. When I heard art is haram I stopped drawing but it's made me really sad. I don't know what I can and cannot draw and it is very ...
Faz-The-Hijabi's user avatar
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What is the ruling on printing pictures without hanging them?

What is the ruling on printing pictures of humans (using a printer)? I am aware that we are not allowed to hang pictures but are we allowed to print and keep them without hanging it? I was going to ...
username's user avatar
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Is it haram to draw a eye, but no face or body

Salam, I have gotten into the habit of drawing eyes, and I don't know if it is permissable in Islam. Can someone please explain to me if it is allowed or no?
Eshtiak's user avatar
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Naked diagrams of human bodies and drawing biological structures

For many medical/biology classes and for the sake of knowledge, students are asked to learn about the human body, while looking at naked pictures (drawn) for both male and female. Additionally, ...
FANerY's user avatar
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Is Drawing head separated from the body (No neck) Haram?

Salam I just wanna know that, is it haram to draw humans but the head is separated from the body like no neck, similar to the bathroom sign figure. Is this permissible?
Hakim25's user avatar
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Is looking at "paparazzi" pictures of public figures counted as "spying"?

Many pictures may have been taken without their consent and some images might even expose their awrah! But with the social media, these images are bombarded to us on our screens even without our ...
Curips's user avatar
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-3 votes
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I need to comprehend the definition of deliberately bringing kufr thoughts to mind. All the cases. Please may Allah reward you

I have been reading an enciclopedia of things about Islam in the past ten years, so please don't treat me as a beginner. We all agree that deliberately bringing blasphemous and kufr thoughts to mind, ...
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Using anime character image as wallpaper with intention of motivation

Assalamu alikum. I have a doubt regarding using images. I would like to know if using an anime character's image as wallpaper with intention to get Motivated with my workout. I kind of feel i should ...
Akbar Badhusha's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to Praying with Animals' logo T shirts

Some of My T shirts or Football Jerseys have Images of Animal's logo Like lion, Tiger etc so Can I pray with these logo's T shirts (
Mohammed Rizni's user avatar
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Is this a major sin?

We know that it is major sin to look at pictures of beautiful top model women on the internet and beautiful songs. No matter how beautiful they are it is major sin. But someone might skip this by ...
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Is it haraam to watch images of anime that are semi naked?

Is watching anime images, but not the series or any inappropriate moves they do, sinful and haram? Is it haram even if you think it wouldn't lead you to any haram things or to watching inappropriate ...
stev's user avatar
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Earn by making faceless cartoons

It is clear to me that earning by making cartoons is haram. (Source: Why is drawing animate objects haram?) But, can one make a living by making cartoons without the facial features? I've seen many ...
Bella Swan's user avatar
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What can you draw in Islam [duplicate]

I sketch a lot until I found out that it is haram but I really enjoy sketching so what things can you you draw and can you draw any object as long as there is no soul to it and it is not living?
user32317's user avatar
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I've been drawing human drawings for a long time, what should I do with them and how should I dispose of them?

I'm always drawing "humans" as a stress reliever and there are TONS of drawings that I made. I want to get rid of them but someone told me that just throwing them won't do any difference since they're ...
Rabbia Arif's user avatar
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Is it haram to put pictures of the part of female body without the face?

Is it haram to put pictures of the part of Muslim female body in order to show the shoes like the picture below? The picture is NOT to show the body itself.
Safia's user avatar
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Why it is prohibited for Muslims to enter a building with images and statues?

While going through the below question: Can social functions be booked in a Church? I stumbled upon this Hadith: Ibn ‘Aa’idh narrated in Futooh al-Shaam that when ‘Umar came to Syria, the Christians ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Is drawing haram? (Response to the view that it is permissible)?

The view on the internet seems to be that it is impermissible but after asking students of knowledge I recieved this answer: "The mainstream view (that of the scholars of al-Azhar University) is ...
Frey's user avatar
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i drew lots of anime in my sketch book what should i do?

im kinda scared like i draw anime a lot and the Prophet (saw) said according to the saheeh hadeeth: “Every image maker will be in the Fire.” And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “...
Hana's user avatar
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Is it permissible to earn money from painting cityscapes and scenery?

I am a painter and I paint cityscapes and scenery that does not have any living being in it such as people, animals or any other thing. I just paint sea, sky, buildings, flowers etc. With the ...
Mahira's user avatar
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What are the consequences of angels not entering one's house due to pictures?

Regarding this hadith: Narrated `Aisha: I purchased a cushion with pictures on it. The Prophet (came and) stood at the door but did not enter. I said (to him), "I repent to Allah for what (the ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Are images of Muhammad "quite common nowadays" in Shia Islam, and if so, where can I find them?

(Warning: all links contain depictions of Muhammad.) Wikipedia states: In Shia Islam, however, images of Muhammad are quite common nowadays, even though Shia scholars historically were against such ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Is anyone at fault for money containing images?

Many world currencies contain images, e.g., the Saudi riyal has an image of King Abdullah. When asked about the use of money with images on them, Islam Q&A wrote: Images on money are not your ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Can I draw something with a 'soul' if it's for school?

I had read an answer from another post which stated that I may not draw something with a 'soul' like a human. I have many school projects which require drawing a human or living thing. Also, am I ...
Aahil Sajeel's user avatar
8 votes
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How can sculpting/drawing be Haram when Isa (PBUH) sculpted a bird?

I would like to see a scholarly commentary or quote explaining why Isa (PBUH) is allowed to form things from clay (3:49) but Muslims are not allowed. Sculpting/forming out of clay is usually frowned ...
Shadi's user avatar
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Can women put their pics (with hijab) on internet?

I've already inquired for a similar question, but my previous question was in regards to "Can women put their pictures (without hijab) on the internet". So, at that question I concluded that ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
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Can I wear clothes with images on it

Is it haram to wear clothes that have images of living/made up "animate" things like wearing a shirt of the character in an animated t.v show etc. I don't know what to do, I looked into many other ...
minga's user avatar
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Is therapy drawing allowed in Islam? [duplicate]

For many years throughout my childhood, I have used drawing as a way of release. Recently I found out drawing was unhalaal and out of the fear for Allah. I have not drawn a picture since. This is been ...
Fatima's user avatar
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Are Christian depictions of Jesus and Mary considered accurate?

Jesus and Mary in Christianity is Prophet Isa and his mother Maryam in Islam; see Jesus in Islam. It seems Christianity doesn't have the same restrictions as Islam regarding depictions of Jesus, and ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Is it permissible to draw a tree and bird silhouette?

Is it permissible to draw this picture in Islam? I want to draw this image on my wall. There is no face in the picture.
Saba's user avatar
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Is downloading picture from google and uploading it to youtube haram?

So stealing money is a huge sin. If you made a debt and didnt pay it, you will pay it in the hereafter. So mu question is, what if i make some top 10 anime stuff and wanted to put pictures in my ...
Alrashidin's user avatar
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Why is drawing animate objects haram?

So I am a sketchist and frequently draw human portraits. I find solace in this as I am a very isolated person and have basically zero real friends. It is merely a hobby and it might even help me in ...
Someone's user avatar
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Is it allowed in Islam to take comic books art as a profession? [duplicate]

I am considering to take a BA in Fine Arts with an intention to become a comic book artist. What does Islam say regarding this profession? . N.B. Kindly, don't post Quranic verses (either English ...
user avatar
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Is it allowed to use utensils which have pictures of animals, birds or humans drawn on it?

I want to know that can I use a utensil which have pictures of animals, birds or humans drawn on it? If it is forbidden then why?
Hammad Nasir's user avatar
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Does Making And Or Selling Fishing Lures Haram?

Assalaamu'alaikum, I've read about imitating the creation of Allaah is haram. Does making lures like these is considered as imitating the creation of Allaah and is haram?
Ari's user avatar
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What is the ruling for making images?

I have found out, this and I’m aware too of it: Ibn 'Abbas and Aisha reported that: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: Whoever makes a picture will be punished by Allah till he puts life in it, and he ...
Alex A's user avatar
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Is what I'm doing haram? [duplicate]

I'm a thirteen year old boy and I'm experiencing puberty, sometimes when I'm alone, I try not to but end up looking at pictures of non-Muslim girls wearing bikinis/bras (and sometimes pictures of ...
A. Leobell 's user avatar
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Is it enough to cover the drawings and pictures or should we get rid of it completely?

As you know, we shouldn't keep any pictures in our houses because the Angels do not enter. My question is, is it enough to just cover these pictures with for example tapes or bags or even flip it ...
Marwan Ansari's user avatar
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Is Hentai Haram? (Drawn Awrah)

Everyone knows that Pornography is Haram, there is no doubt about that. It is not prohibited in the Quran directly, yet it falls into the generalization stated in this Verse: إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَأْمُرُ ...
Zlachil's user avatar
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is it allowed to draw a face with only eyes? [duplicate]

Assalamualaikum, I've been drawing for almost 3 years and recently I read somewhere that drawing humans isn't allowed. But I wanted to know if I draw a face with only eyes and I don't draw the nose or ...
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Are images of the Prophets more haram than images of other beings with souls?

In a series of YouTube videos, IQRA Cartoon gives a series of cartoons which describe the Prophets' lives. One example is Yunus (AS) - Prophet story (No Music) - Islamic Cartoon and this is an idea ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Is loading a website with images haram? [closed]

I believe on the opinion that all types of photography are prohibited, but for example when you load up a website or create a Facebook account a lot of pictures load, so does this fall under the ...
Huzaifa Zafar's user avatar
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Can i draw animation? [duplicate]

I learned from hadith you are not allowed to draw portraits. And hang them up. However what if you have drawings with eyes in a book?I don't draw realistic humans just anime or cartoons. Is it allowed?...
feeni 's user avatar
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Is playing the massively multiplayer online game permissible? [duplicate] is online game. Can I play this game? Or I should play without any skins? is a massively multiplayer action game created by Matheus Valadares. Players control a cell in a map ...
Fawad's user avatar
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