Questions tagged [destiny]

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11 votes
6 answers

Is there "CHANCE (LUCK)" in Islam, or that is DESTINY which is used in wrong idiom?

Many of times, you can hear that plenty of people use the word 'Chance' in their talking, even in their believing. For example if a person won an award in a bank or lottery, afterwards other people ...
اللهم  صل  علی  محمد و آل محمد's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How is there a fixed destiny if we have free will?

Well, as far as I am concerned we have a fixed destiny. But I also know that it can be changed by dua. But if one doesn't make any dua then? I suppose it will remain unchanged. If so then where id our ...
Shadman's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is death time predestined or can it be extended by supplication?

Is it true that dua and keeping one's kin close could extend one's lifespan? Inversely, could severing one's relationships be a cause for someone's early demise? Ajal'ul qada' and ajal'ul qadar? For ...
Dia's user avatar
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