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Muslims say Jewish & Christian scriptures are 'corrupted', so why wasn't Mohammed given a full uncorrupted version besides the Quran? [closed]

About the supposed corruption/tahrif of Torah/Tanakh/Old Testament or Gospel/Bible/New Testament, Allah doesn't strike me as a LAAETTR kinda deity, so I'm wondering why there isn't an explicit verse ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Are Christians who question the authenticity of modern day bible(s) or the notion of Trinity considered "Ahlul Kitab"?

I know someone who was raised Christian and continues to believe in God, but questions the modern day bible and believes it to have been altered, he also questions the notion of the Trinity, and ...
Bog's user avatar
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-2 votes
4 answers

I watched many youtube videos of so called Christian Prince

The Christian Prince often debates by citing passages from the Quran and authentic Hadiths. Regrettably, I haven't been able to find videos where Muslim scholars respond to him using a similar ...
Alex H's user avatar
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Was Ismail a teenager or a child when he and Hagar were sent away by Sarah?

15When the water in the skin was gone, she put the child under one of the bushes. 16Then she went and sat down opposite him a good way off, about the distance of a bowshot, for she said, “Let me not ...
Shawn Ismail's user avatar
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Why is only Quran protected by Allah and not Bible or Torah?

Salam , Quran is the un-altered word of Allah. Allah had promised for the protection of Quran. We also believe that Christians and Jews corrupted the Bible and Torah for their personal profits. I want ...
An_Elephant's user avatar
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Is the Islamic prophet Muhammad mentioned in the Bible? If so, where is it?

I have heard from several pious and sincere Muslims I met in my travels who claimed that the Islamic Prophet Muhammad has been prophesied in the Bible. But, unfortunately they could not show me any ...
TeluguBeliever's user avatar
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What's Islam thinks of the bible?

What does Islam think of the bible (both: old and new testament)? According to Islam is it fake or authentic? (many stories in the bible aren't the same as in the Quran) Kindly, support your answer ...
Tilmiz's user avatar
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Is there historical/scientific evidence that Jews and Christians altered the original message of God?

Muslims claim Jews and Christians changed the original message of God. Is there historical/scientific evidence that, as claimed by Islam, the Bible (both Old Testament [the Jew bit] and New Testament ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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Why did people in the past change the previous books?

Before the Quran, Allah were sent prophets to send messages of Allah in the form of Holy books (book of tawraat, injeel, ...etc) but people of that time changed these books (torah, bible...), why did ...
Have Patience's user avatar
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Prophets cannot sin? [duplicate]

I was learning about Sa'adyah Gaon's approach to various Biblical stories and came across this statement (footnote 37 here, bolded by me for emphasis): S. Stuber, in his article, "מפגשי בראשית – ...
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Islamic academics/experts on the Bible especially in original languages?

I'm looking for Muslims that produce scholarly literature (publications in peer-reviewed journals) on topics of Christianity and the Bible. I'm not really looking for a list of Muslim apologists, ...
Alex Strasser's user avatar
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Islamic basis for Deteuronomy 18:15-20 allowing an Ishmaelite prophet fulfillment?

The Quran suggests Muhammad is written about in what we have of the Torah and the Injeel in Quran 7:157 and other verses and hadiths. Quran 7:157 "Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered ...
Alex Strasser's user avatar
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Where in the books of Ahl al-Kitab the Sahaba were mentioned?

Allah the Almighty gives us two examples in surat al-Fath (48:29): Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You see ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Does the Quran endorse the Bible?

I am a bit puzzled. I read in this site that the Bible is corrupted, and should not be accepted by Muslims (e.g. here, here, and here). However, whilst reading this website, I came across this text, ...
luchonacho's user avatar
1 vote
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Why would Muslims believe the Bible has been changed? [closed]

There are thousands of copies of the New and Old Testament, and yet we see that besides grammatical and punctuation errors, there is nothing changed in the New OR Old Testament. Then why do Muslims ...
Saad Sheikh's user avatar
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What does Islam say about Samson?

I recently saw a trailer about a biblical person named Samson. I have not heard anything similar in the Islamic scriptures. URL: Do we reject the story or ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Why did Allah send more than one book to mankind?

Why did Allah send more than one book to mankind.Explain your Answer. Please consider adding references from the quran and sunnah to your answer.
Muhammad Ahmad's user avatar
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Why does Islam reject the current versions of the Bible and Torah?

Why does Islam reject the current versions of the Bible and Torah, even though the Qur'an confirms the existence of previous Christian and Jewish prophets like Abraham, Moses and Jesus in the Qur'an?
Gaelle's user avatar
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Are any parts of the Bible generally accepted as the authentic word of Allah?

The Bible contains some famous versus, such as turning the other cheek: But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. -- ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Does Qur'an 5:48 imply that Allah wants Jews to follow the Torah and Christians to follow the Gospel, instead of the Qur'an?

Qur'an 5:44 describes the Torah (as revealed to Prophet Musa), and the Jews are to be judged by it. Qur'an 5:47 describes the Gospel (as revealed to Prophet Isa) and the "People of the Gospel" (...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Jerusalem in the Qur'an?

I read that the Qur'an does not mention Jerusalem. Israel's former Prime Minister Menachem Begin said, "While Jerusalem and Zion are mentioned over 800 times in the Jewish Bible, the holy city is not ...
Christian Sirolli's user avatar
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How is the Holy Trinity and John 5:7 of the Bible interpreted in Islam?

John 5:7 King James Version (KJV) of the Gospels state "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one". My question is does this ...
Richard Wilson's user avatar
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Which Haman is right?

In the Bible, Haman is said to be the helper of the Babylonian king who lived 1,100 years after Moses and persecuted the Jews. In Quran, Haman is said to be the minister of the pharaoh and associated ...
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To what extent have the Psalms, Torah, Prophets and Gospel been corrupted?

I understand that Islam holds the previous revelation from God to mankind in high esteem, and that the "Psalms, Torah, Prophets and Gospel" are considered to be authentic. Nevertheless there also ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
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When was the Quran (that is written in French language) written for the first time? [closed]

I read in a introduction to the Coran I took at Ste-Foy public library, in the province of Quebec, in Canada, that it was not written for 200 years; after it was written on "banana leafs" and after on ...
Simon Boulanger's user avatar
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Is the God of the Qur'an the same god as the God of the Bible? [duplicate]

What is the difference between the Christian God and the Muslim God? Is the God of the Qur'an the same god as the God of the Bible?
Jesse The Comedian's user avatar
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As a Muslim, is it appropriate to buy a friend a Bible?

One of my friends here in China wants to become a Christian and wants me to buy him an English-language Bible. My immediate reaction is "I should help; that's a good deed". However, as a Muslim, I'm ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Incoherence and errors in past revelations

Has the Quran cleared all the incoherence and errors in the bible, if this is the case, can it be used gather those items of informations which does not contradict the Quran ?
Noor's user avatar
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8 answers

Are Muslims encouraged to read the Bible and/or the Torah? Why or why not?

If I understand correctly, Islam accepts several holy books as authored by Allah. Obviously, Muslims are encouraged to read the Quran, but among these books are the Bible (or Gospel) and the Torah, ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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5 answers

Why did the Quran says only the people of jonah benefited from faith?

Then has there not been a [single] city that believed so its faith benefited it except the people of Jonah? When they believed, We removed from them the punishment of disgrace in worldly life and gave ...
suhailvs's user avatar
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Was the Injeel ever written in book form?

Is there any evidence that Isa (a.s.) wrote the Injeel in book form? Because it seems that Allah has already gave him the Injeel when he was a baby. [Jesus] said, "Indeed, I am the servant of ...
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Did Muhammad (pbuh) ever go to Jerusalem to spread the word of Allah?

I think I found another prophecy of Muhammad (pbuh) in Isaiah 40. Chapter 40 of the Book of Isaiah (from the Hebrew Bible) is called "Comfort for God's People". It starts like this: Comfort, comfort ...
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Who are the people of zaboor?

I was taught that there were 4 holy books revealed by the Almighty. The holy Quran, the Injeel, The Thaurath and the Zaboor. We know what happened to the people of Injeel and Taurath. What happened to ...
user15536's user avatar
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If we had access to the original Bible, would we still need the Qur'an?

I am willing to accept the argument that one shouldn't trust the bible as it has been changed so many times. There are many inconsistencies in the bible, but what if we had the original bible? What if ...
Darth Vader's user avatar
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Did the companions of Prophet Isa (P.B.U.H) stay truthful to the original message?

Did the companions of Prophet Isa (P.B.U.H) stay devoted and truthful to the original message or did they corrupt it? (During and after the life of Prophet Isa (P.B.U.H))
Dinar's user avatar
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Why was Quran sent down?

In several places, the Qur'ān criticizes the Jews (not Christians) for how they misuse their scriptures, accusing them of perverting ( 2:75), concealing (6:61, 2:140) twisting their tongues when they ...
Taha Nadeem's user avatar
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In The Qur'an is there an explanation of how "Existence" or "The Universe" began like in Genesis of The Bible? [duplicate]

Here's the wiki link which describes it. Genesis Creation Narrative. I ask because I believe I have figured out how it began and it shows that the first 9 verses of The Bible are correct but said in ...
user2353310's user avatar
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For those that claim that the Holy Quran expects you to know the Holy Bible, what proof do they have for that claim?

I want to know how people know that the Holy Quran expects its readers to know the Holy Bible. One such claim is "The Quran assumes familiarity with major narratives recounted in the Jewish and ...
Paul's user avatar
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How is it known that the Holy Quran assumes knowledge of the Bible? [duplicate]

How is it known that the Quran assumes one to know the Bible?
Paul's user avatar
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How do we know the Quran will never change while we consider the Bible as corrupted and manipulated?

God assured us that his holy book the Quran will never be changed or altered, now does this stand for all of the holy books God has revealed through the prophets, or is it only for the Quran? In ...
Aboudi's user avatar
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What is the Injil that is referred to in Qur'an?

I have been doing some research to find similarity between the three Holy books (Torah, Injil and the Holy Qur'an), and one of the things that I came across is that the Injil was written by the ...
Aboudi's user avatar
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Is it mentioned why God protected the Qur'an from corruption but not the Bible?

In Islam it is believed that the Bible was revealed by God but was then corrupted by man. Does Islam provide an account of why God protected the Qur'an from corruption but not the Bible?
lemon's user avatar
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Christian claims God spoke to bibilical prophets but never to Mohammad. Is it true?

"God spoke to Biblical prophets but never to Mohammad" (Gen 8:15 God spoke to Noah, Gen 24:7 to Abraham, Gen 31:11 to Jacob, Exo 6:2 to Moses, 1Sam 3:17 to Samuel, 2Sam 23:3 to David, etc...) ...
Adam's user avatar
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Which part of the Christian Bible is corrupted?

I have met few Muslims who always tell me that the Christian Bible is corrupted. They say that the Torah was revealed by Allah to Jews and New Testament to Christians. Is this correct? If so, which ...
Mawia's user avatar
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Why didn't Allah send the complete book first?

I heard that the bible and tora used to be faith-books of Islam. The dilemma was that the human changed those books after their needs. After a time Allah wanted to send down the unchangeable and final ...
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Is there anything that needs to be done before reading the Qur'an?

I've been trying to read the Qur'an for some time now but it has been very confusing. I assume this is due to having had been raised around only Bibles, because the Bible is written like a story. To ...
Johann's user avatar
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How does Muslims explain revelation of Bible on Jesus?

In Islam, Muslims must believe in the Torah and Injeel, and that they were revealed to Moses and Jesus (Peace be upon them). But Christians say that Jesus (Peace be upon him) did not receive a book, ...
muslim1's user avatar
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Did the events at the Tower of Babel occur?

What is Islam's view of the Tower of Babel? Is it in/compatible with the Quran? Is there a belief in Islam that takes the place of the Tower of Babel?
Dynamic's user avatar
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This Prophesy of Prophet Muhammad in Hagai

The following verse in the Torah prophesizes about a nation which will be given "peace" and coming of a praised being: and I will shake all nations, and the choicest things of all nations(חֶמְדַּת )...
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Is there a link between the magicians in Egypt and their names Jannes and Jambres (as in the Bible)?

In the Bible, there is a story from Paul: 2 Timothy 3:8 ESV Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the ...
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