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Questions tagged [ahlul-kitab]

Ahlul-kitab (People of the Book) are known as those that are of the faiths which have a revealed book/scripture. The people of the book are the Jews and Christians and there is disagreement on the Sabians and Magians.

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Can I marry a Christian woman who doesn't practise her religion?

I'm interested in marriage with a Christian woman who was baptized as a Catholic at birth and lives in a Christian nation in a conservative/ religious region. She's officially registered as a member ...
Azhan Ahmad's user avatar
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How do we treat those from Ahlul Kitab whom lived before the Prophethood of Muhammad SAW by a few decades? [duplicate]

I’m just curious as to what status do these people get within Islam? As by this point of time some would have died on what was Islam at that point, it might be a bit silly to ask such a question, yet ...
Ziad M.'s user avatar
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Is it Haram to Marry a Mandaean/Sabian woman?k

They are mentioned in the Quran as Ahlul Kitab in Quran 5:69. Some say they aren’t because they don’t have a book but they do claim to have a book. Quran 19:12 talks about John having a book. They ...
IbnAqil's user avatar
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Are Muslims themselves "people of the book"?

I know that Muslims call Jews and Christians "people of the book" because Jews believe in the Tanakh and Christians believe in both the Tanakh and the New Testament. If Muslims recognize ...
Alex Henrie's user avatar
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Are Christians who question the authenticity of modern day bible(s) or the notion of Trinity considered "Ahlul Kitab"?

I know someone who was raised Christian and continues to believe in God, but questions the modern day bible and believes it to have been altered, he also questions the notion of the Trinity, and ...
Bog's user avatar
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Who are the Sabians? [duplicate]

I've seen several groups "identified" with them from the Mandeans to the Hermeticist but as mentioned above I'm distrustful of Wikipedia and the Internet at large.
Daniel's user avatar
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Did the earlier nations had obligatory hijab? Why/Why not?

Did earlier nations (Jews, Christians, etc.) had the obligatory Hijab? If possible, I am also looking for some evidences in their earlier books. Nowadays, I have never seen any normal Jew or Christian ...
An_Elephant's user avatar
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Do Islamic pre-modern scholars think the trinity is polytheism or not?

So my question is, is it right for a sunni to deem of christians who believe in the trinity as polytheists? what scholars agree with this? is there a consensus?
Yehfurk's user avatar
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Has Allah Ordained Holidays For People of The Book?

As we know, Allah has given Muslims Eid al Adha, Eid al Fitr and Ramadan. As far as I’m concerned, I know that Allah has assigned fasting for the Jews and Christians because He says so in the Quran. ...
AcidicProgrammer's user avatar
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Meaning of Chapter 10 Verse 94

I have done a lot of research on this verse, on the internet, but still haven't found a pleasurable response. The verse states: "So if you are in doubt as to what We have revealed unto you, then ask ...
EPIC Tube HD's user avatar
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Are Zoroastrians considered the People of the Book?

Are the Zoroastrians\Majus\Parsis from the People of the Book?? Can we eat their food and marry their women as we are allowed to do with Ahl Kitab? Zoroastrians:
user28534's user avatar
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How should we respond to the Jewish expression "Shabbat Shalom"?

What should we answer to a Jew, when he tells us: "שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם (Shabbat Shalom)"?
renanlinux's user avatar
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Does giving food to my christian maid please Allah or not?

I have a maid who is christian by faith. She is poor. I often give her food for her children and family, so that it provides her a little ease financially, and she doesn't have to cook after getting ...
JBel's user avatar
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I'd like to know some more details on the table sent down to prophet 'Isa?

I've lately heard a lesson or lecture on the tafseer of the verses telling the story of the table which was sent down to prophet 'Isa () which is quoted in 5:112-115. The wording of the qur'an ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Why do the sabeans have so much in common with Islam? [duplicate]

People are saying that Islam is a copy of sabeans and that prophet Muhammad (saw) copied from them. The sabeans is used to perform hajj, pray 5 times, wash themselves after intercourse just like ...
Fahim Henry's user avatar
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If I marry an Ahl-al-Kitab woman and she doesn't convert to Islam, does she go to hell?

Say I wanted to marry an ahl al Kitab woman (A Jew or a Christian), we married, lived together forever, died, and she never converted to Islam. Would she go to hell? Would i act as an intercessor ...
Unorthodox's user avatar
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Are Zoroastrians among the People of the Book? [duplicate]

Are the Zoroastrians\Majus\Parsis from the People of the Book?? Can we eat their food and marry their women as we are allowed to do with Ahl Kitab? Zoroastrians:
user28534's user avatar
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Are there any Muslim references quoting the fast of ahl al-Kitab or earlier Prophets?

Allah the almighty says: O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous - (2:183) This means that fasting or sawm was ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Will this certain nikah be valid and free from sin?

I am a married guy of 36 years of age, live in a Muslim country and been married to my spouse happily for about 8 years and have children. I have no issue with my first wife. I met a 22 year old ...
Justamuslim's user avatar
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Do both أهل الكتاب and أُوتُواْ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبَ refer to People of the Book?

Are both the phrase أهل الكتاب and ٱلَّذِينَ أُوتُواْ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبَ referring to People of the Book in Qur'an?
Crimson's user avatar
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As a Christian can I marry a Muslim in an Islamic Nikah w/o first having 'secular' legal wedding?

I will try to be as short as possible in looking for an answer as I asked so many people but got no clear answer. I’m a Christian and my fiancé is Muslim. We want to do the Islamic wedding. We are ...
Catalina's user avatar
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Is a Christian a Polytheist or Ahl-al-Kitab? [duplicate]

I wonder whether Islam categorises a Christian as a polytheist or Ahl Al Kitab? This is very important to know since the Qur'an teaches differently about these two categories in matters concerning ...
M.Hakim's user avatar
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What evidence is there that a Muslim man can not marry a chaste woman of the book if she is an ex-Muslim?

Qur'an 5:5 permits Muslim men to marry chaste women of the book. However, according to IslamWeb, there is an exception: a Muslim man may not marry a woman who is an ex-Muslim (a.k.a., an apostate). ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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Are there any references that people of the book have actually had ties to the Ka'ba?

We know that Ibrahim rebuilt/built the Ka'ba. And it was a place of worship for the prophets after him. Doesn't this mean Ka'ba was a place of worship for the Christians and Jews? That is should be ...
Thaqalain's user avatar
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How many books / kitabs was sent down from Allah SWT

I'm new in studying about islam, How many books / kitabs about religion (whether existing or non existing till today) has been sent down from Allah SWT to the earth according to the quran ? and which ...
Rextia's user avatar
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Are there any sahabas of Muhammad (pbuh) who married trinity-believing christians? [duplicate]

I know that there are some sahabas of Muhammad pbuh who married christians. But what kind of christians were they? Did they believe in the trinity? Or were they non-trinitarian christians? Did they ...
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Are Jews monotheists as per Islam?

And the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah, 9:30 They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah 9:31 Question: Are Jews monotheists as ...
Alp Sankhya's user avatar
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Are Mandeans considered Ahl-ul Kitab?

It seems there are different of opinions whether Mandeans just are the Sabians, or another group. Quoting wikipedia: Many scholars have identified the Sabians to be the Mandaeans Sabians in ...
Kilise's user avatar
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Does Qur'an 5:48 imply that Allah wants Jews to follow the Torah and Christians to follow the Gospel, instead of the Qur'an?

Qur'an 5:44 describes the Torah (as revealed to Prophet Musa), and the Jews are to be judged by it. Qur'an 5:47 describes the Gospel (as revealed to Prophet Isa) and the "People of the Gospel" (...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
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What are the conditions for meat to be halal if the animal was slaughtered by the people of the book?

This question might be a bit broad and I know there are different of opinions. I hope to find different answers with different perspectives. Please add your references well and if it's from a certain ...
Kilise's user avatar
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To what extent have the Psalms, Torah, Prophets and Gospel been corrupted?

I understand that Islam holds the previous revelation from God to mankind in high esteem, and that the "Psalms, Torah, Prophets and Gospel" are considered to be authentic. Nevertheless there also ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
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Are Christians who believe in the Trinity considered People of the Book?

In many verses of the Qur'an, Allah speaks positively about the Ahl-al-kitab (i.e., People of the Book). For example, Muslims can eat their food and marry their women under certain conditions. ...
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Why the Jewish Pesach or Passover and the Islamic 'Ashura' don't fall on the same day?

As far as I know the Jewish calendar is (or was) a lunar calendar as our Islamic calendar. And among Muslims the hadith of ibn 'Abbas saying that Jews in Medina used to fast the 10th of Muharram is ...
Sassir's user avatar
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What is the book given to Jesus?

I was watching a wonderful talk by Mufti Menk (no longer on YouTube) and at around the 25 min mark, he explains (and I know this is in the Quran also) that when the prophet Jesus spoke, he said that ...
Ahmed ilyas's user avatar
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What is the ruling on non-Muslims having Temples, Churches and Synagogues in Muslim lands?

Are non Muslims allowed to build, repair or worship in places such as Churches, Temples and Synagogues in Muslim occupied lands, if they are living under Muslims as Dhimmis or have a peace treaty with ...
Jaffa's user avatar
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Are Zoroastrians Mentioned As One Of The People Of The Book In The Quran

Are Zoroastrians listed in the Quran as one of the People-of-the-Book alongside Jews and Christians
SwordOfAllah 's user avatar
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How should Muslims treat houses of worship of other Religions?

According to the Verse of Surat al Hajj (22:40) Muslims shouldn't destroy houses of worship or religious places of other Religions (Ahl-Al-Kitab to be correct). But what if for some reasons in an ...
Medi1Saif's user avatar
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Why was Quran sent down?

In several places, the Qur'ān criticizes the Jews (not Christians) for how they misuse their scriptures, accusing them of perverting ( 2:75), concealing (6:61, 2:140) twisting their tongues when they ...
Taha Nadeem's user avatar
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Can a Muslim boy get married to a Christian catholic girl? [duplicate]

I am a Muslim boy of the age 19. I have searched for this answer on many sites, but have found nil. I am writing in hope that someone would guide me on this issue. Can a Muslim boy marry a Christian ...
Faisal's user avatar
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Why do Muslims attempt to convert Christians, Jews and Sabians to Islam?

I was reading the Qur'an in English, when I came to verse 62 of Surat Al-Baqara I was really confused with the verse. As the English translation of the verse says - Verily! Those who believe and ...
Aslam a's user avatar
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What does the superiority of bani-Israel (Children of Israel) over all beings mean?

I read in some different surahs of Quran mentioning the superiority of bani-Israeli over all beings. What is true interpretation of these verses? يَا بَنِي إِسْرَ‌ائِيلَ اذْكُرُ‌وا نِعْمَتِيَ ...
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In what way do people equate the scholars and monks to Allah according to the verse 9:31?

They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah , and [also] the Messiah, the son of Mary. And they were not commanded except to worship one God; there is no deity except Him. Exalted ...
johan.i.zahri's user avatar
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Are Jews & Christians Really Ahlul Kitab?

I've been looking for clear-cut evidence of the claims that Jews and Christians are Ahlul Kitab mentioned in the Quran. No where in the Quran does Allaah clearly mentions Jews and Christians as being ...
Sayyid's user avatar
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How to interprete a marriage a Non-muslim prayer Salaat Al-Istikhara?

I am a Mexican Christian woman in love with a Kuwaiti Muslim man 10 years younger, both of us living in the US. Many things are against us but we love each other, so we are very confused. We dated ...
LALITX's user avatar
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Are Hindus "people of the book"?

I was told by a Muslim that the category of "people of the book" in Islam, which includes Jews and Muslims, has been considered at some points in history to include Hindus as well. What is the view of ...
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Who is a Jew... According to Muslims?

In Islam, Ahlul al-Kitaab have a special, protected status. For example, a Muslim man may marry a Jewish or Christian woman. Because of this, it is relevant to determine who is a Jew or a Christian. ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Allowed to marry ' people of the book ' especially Christians or not?

I have heard drastically different opinions on this issue. So it is clear from Quran 2:221 and 60:10 that a muslim should not marry a mushrik (polytheist) nor a disbeliever. Now.... They have ...
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Why does Islam seem so much more like Judaism than like Christianity?

Islam comes chronologically after Judaism, and then Christianity. Assuming that Islam considers Christianity to be sort of an update to Judaism (is that wrong?), and that Islam is the final, ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Who are the people in Qur'an 3:113 - 115

Who are these people? 3:113 - 115 They are not [all] the same; among the People of the Scripture is a community standing [in obedience], reciting the verses of Allah during periods of the ...
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Is Christianity considered polytheistic or "of the book"?

Generally speaking or defined based on sect, is Christianity consider polytheistic (Mushrikeeen) or of the book (Ahl al-Kitāb)? Please answer with references, not opinions.
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