Selamin Aleikum
I am thinking on this for some time and happy to see all those comments and interactions.
My interpretation is close to the Yusuf Asma.
I think Adam's learning is self learning (Ultimately Allah teaches) similar to AI Machine Learning. (Ai is another Evidence of Allah nowadays to let us understand Adam's intellectual level. As Intellectual Khalifa we also try to create our own Ai on earth of course within our constraints and whatever Allah allows us).
What makes me think of that, at the end Angels can learn. But from this verse we can sense that learning ways are different between Angels and Adam.
Just as information as non Arabic speaker, I hear from another brother that he thinks in Adam Verses names are referring to human, djinn, or angel beings. Based on "Asmaa" word's form (masulin plural) May be Any Arabic Language Expert can comment on this as well. Why he thinks so is quoted below. :
And when your Lord said to the Angels/Al-Mala’ekah:
"Indeed, I am Making/Placing on Earth a Caliph/Successor/Khalifah."
They said: "Will You make/place therein one who corrupts therein and sheds blood,
While/and we glorify with Your Praise and we sanctify to You?"
He said: "Indeed, I - I know what you do not know."
And it is He who has made you Khalifas/Successors on Earth and He has raised some of you above others in degrees [of rank] that He may try you through what He has given you. Indeed, your Lord is swift in penalty; but indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful.
And He Taught Adam The Names – all of them* (kulla-ha / *fem.s.) -
Then, He displayed/presented them ( / humans) onto the Angels, He then said:
"Inform Me (predict/prophesize) with The Names of these ( /humans/Prophets), -
If you (The Angels) were honest/truthful/right/sincere (right)."
They said, "Glory be to You, we have no knowledge, except what You have taught us.
Indeed You, You are The Omniscient, The Wise.
He said, "O Adam, inform **them **of their names." Then when he informed them (anba-a-hum) their names,
He said, "Did I not tell you, “Indeed, I know the Unseen of The Heavens and The Earth and I know what you reveal, and what you conceal?
there's more to this
"Major Arabic Grammar Rule (fem. ha/hiya / it or she or them):
All Plural Nouns which do not refer to human (+ djinn or angel) beings are to be grammatically feminine singular in modern standard Arabic (MSA).
This rule does not just apply to adjectives but anything that has to agree in some way with a non-human plural will always be feminine singular. Thus pronouns, demonstratives, and verbs will always be put in the feminine singular whenever they must agree with a non-human plural.
Ex1: 7:145 Al-Alwāḥ/Tablets (pl. masc.) referred to as fa-khudh'-hā = so take it (s. fem.)/them.
Ex2: 10:1 Alif, Lam, Ra. Those (til'ka s. fem. that) are the verses (āyāt fem. pl.) of the Wise Book.
Ex3: 74:31 And it/they/hiya (fem. sing. Number= 19, tablets) is/are not except a Reminder/Remembrance (dhik’ra fem.) for the Mortals/Humans.
Ex4: 6:90 It (masc. sing. Guidance) is not except a Remembrance/Reminder (dhik'rā fem.) for the worlds (lil'ālamīn).""
Allah knows best.
I pray Allah to forgive me if my understanding not correct.
This is just input to your thinking process.