Salam, I stumbled upon this hadith in Musnad Ahmed (also in Tabarani & Silsilah as-Sahihah) link here. and has been authenticated by ibn Hajar Haythami & Al-Shawkani. I just need help understanding it in the light of the difference of opinion in musical instruments/singing.
عنه أن امرأة جاءت إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقال: “يا عائشة، أتعرفين هذه؟ قالت: لا يا نبي الله، فقال: “هذه قينة بني فلان تُحبين أن تغنيك؟”، قالت: نعم، قال: فأعطاها طبقاً، فغنتها، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: “قد نفخ الشيطان في منخريها “A woman came to the Prophet and he said: “O Aisha, do you know this person?” Aisha said: “No, O Messenger of God.” The Prophet said: “This is songstress of such and such tribe, would you like her to sing for you?” Aisha said: “Yes.” Then she was given a plate (to beat on) and she began to sing. The Prophet said: “Satan has blown into her nostrils.” “Musnad Ahmad”, 3/449, “Tabarani”, 7/187, “Silsilah as-Sahihah”, 3282.
1.The questions that I have are about the meaning of the word (طبقاً) and is it a percussion instrument (that is different from the duff), if so how do understand it in the light of bukhari 5590 (ma'azif hadith)?
2.Then about the fact that prophet muhammad (pbuh) is listenig to a lady singer with Aisha (ra), is the prophet allowed to listen to a non-mahram singer?
3.Did this event happen during eid, or a wedding, or was this a normal day in mecca/medina?
4.Final question is what does "satan has blown into her nostrils" mean, does it imply makruh since then aisha did just listen to her sing, i wound't think it would be haram?