In the chain of narration (sanad), it is often written in English:
- Some narrator in the authority of some other narrator
- Some narrator informed some other narrator
- Some narrator related before some other narrator
I wish to understand the meaning of each of this statements.
My questions are -
- Do the said English phrases have the same meaning (maybe very little difference)?
- If not, what is the implication of each? a. Especially 'Some narrator related before some other narrator' sounds a bit odd. What does 'related before' mean? b. What does 'in the authority of' mean? c. How did some narrator 'inform' some other narrator? Orally? By letter? Sent a messenger?
Example: "Shams al-Din related before us; he said:" from Ibn Sa'ad.
The Shaykh, the Imam, the Hafiz, the most learned, the well versed in genealogies, Sharaf al-Din (the glory of religion) Abu Muhammad Abd al-Mumin Ibn Khalaf Ibn Abi al-Hasan al-Dimyati (may God show him mercy) informed us, and I was hearing; he said: The Shaykh, the Imam, the Muhaddith of Syria and the trusted Shams al-Din Abu al-Hajjaj Yusuf Ibn Khalil Ibn Abd Allah al-Dimashqi related before us; he said: Abu Muhammad Abd Allah Ibn Dahbal Ibn Ali Ibn Karah related before us; he said: Al-qadi Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Baqi Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah al-Ansari related before us; he said: Abu Muhammad al-Hassan Ibn Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Abd Allah al-Jawhari narrated on the authority of Abu Umar Muhammad Ibn al-Abbas Ibn Muhammad Ibn Zakariyya Ibn Yahya Ibn Mu'adh Ibn Hayyawayh al-Khazzaz (silk merchant), from (i.e. on the authority of) Abu al-Hasan Ahmad Ibn Ma'ruf Ibn Bishr Ibn Musa al-Khashshab (timber merchant); from (i.e. on the authority of) Abu Muhammad al-Harith Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abi Usamah al-Tamimi from (i.e. on the authority of) Abu `Adb Allah Muhammad Ibn Sa'd Ibn Muni (may God show him mercy); he (i.e. Ibn Sa'd) said:
Also look at the English translation of the first paragraph of this page - :
A reading on the authority of his sheikh, the knowledgeable and beloved Abd al-Qadir bin Ahmad al-Saqqaf, and he narrated it on the authority of his father, Imam Ahmad bin Abd al-Rahman al-Saqqaf, who narrated it. A reading on the authority of his sheikh, Imam Ali bin Muhammad al-Habashi, who narrated it on the authority of his sheikh, Imam Aidaroos bin Omar al-Habashi, and it is the Musnad of Hadhramaut and his name is proven. “Nahhat al-Fattah al-Fatir fi the chains of transmission of the great masters,” in which he mentioned its chain of transmission in his narrations, on the authority of his sheikh, Imam Abdullah bin Ahmad Basudan, who said: I narrated it on the authority of our sheikh, Sayyed Imam Omar bin Abdul Rahman al-Bar, on the authority of our sheikh and his sheikh, Sayyid al-Baqiyya, Hamid bin Omar bin Hamid Al Abi Alawi. On the authority of his beloved sheikh Abd al-Rahman bin Abdullah Belfaqih, on the authority of his sheikh al-Musnad al-Hasan bin Ali al-Ujaimi and Sheikh Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Mathili, on the authority of their sheikh, the hafiz of his time, Muhammad ibn Ala al-Din al-Babli, and he narrated it on the authority of Abu al-Naja Salem bin Muhammad al-Samhouri, on the authority of the conclusion of the hadith narrator, the star Muhammad ibn Ahmed Al-Ghaiti, on the authority of Sheikh Al-Islam Zakaria bin Muhammad Al-Ansari, on the authority of the Commander of the Faithful in Hadith, the Hafiz Ahmed bin Ali bin Hajar Al-Asqalani, on the authority of his sheikh Ibrahim bin Ahmed Al-Tanukhi and Abdul Rahim bin Razin Al-Hamawi, on the authority of Abi Al-Fadl Ahmed bin Abi Talib Al-Hajjar, on the authority of Al-Hussein Al-Mubarak Al-Zubaidi, on the authority of Abu Al-Waqt Abdul Awal bin Issa Al-Harawi, on the authority of Abu Al-Hasan Abdul Rahman bin Al-Muzaffar Al-Daoudi, on the authority of Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Ahmed Al-Sarkhasi, on the authority of Abu Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Matar Al-Farbari, on the authority of the Commander of the Faithful in Hadith, Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail Al-Bukhari May God Almighty have mercy on him....