Wasa'il al-Shia Vol. 5, Section 6, Chapter 19, Hadith 6986 https://wasail-al-shia.net/h/6986
وقال الصدوق بعدما ذكر حديث أبي بكر الحضرمي وكليب الأسدي: هذا هو الأذان الصحيح لا يزاد فيه ولا ينقص منه،
And Al-Saduq said after mentioning the hadith of Abu Bakr Al-Hadrami and Kulayb Al-Asadi: This is the correct adhan, nothing is to be added to it or subtracted from it.
والمفوضة لعنهم الله قد وضعوا أخبارا وزادوا بها في الأذان محمد وآل محمد خير البرية مرتين، وفي بعض رواياتهم بعد أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله: أشهد أن عليا ولي الله مرتين ومنهم من روى بدل ذلك أشهد أن عليا أمير المؤمنين حقا مرتين
The Mufawwidah (those who believe in the delegation of divine attributes), may Allah curse them, have fabricated reports and added to the adhan "Muhammad and the family of Muhammad are the best of creation" twice, and in some of their narrations after "I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah": "I bear witness that Ali is the wali of Allah" twice, and some of them narrated instead of that "I bear witness that Ali is truly the Commander of the Faithful" twice.
ولا شك أن عليا ولي الله وأنه أمير المؤمنين حقا وأن محمدا وآله خير البرية، ولكن ذلك ليس في أصل الأذان، وإنما ذكرت ذلك ليعرف بهذه الزيادة المتهمون بالتفويض المدلسون أنفسهم في جملتنا انتهى كلام الصدوق رئيس المحدثين رضي الله عنه.
There is no doubt that Ali is the wali of Allah and that he is truly the Commander of the Faithful and that Muhammad and his family are the best of creation, but that is not in the original adhan. I only mentioned this so that those accused of tafwid (delegation of divine attributes) who disguise themselves among us may be known by this addition. End of Al-Saduq's words, the chief of the hadith scholars, may Allah be pleased with him.
ويأتي ما يدل على بعض المقصود هنا وفي حديث من صلى خلف من لا يقتدى به، وفي كيفية الصلاة، وغير ذلك، ويأتي ما ظاهره المنافاة ونبين وجهه.
And there will come what indicates some of what is intended here and in the hadith of one who prays behind one who should not be followed, and in the manner of prayer, and other than that, and there will come what appears to contradict it and we will explain its aspect.
Wasa'il al-Shia Vol. 5, Section 6, Chapter 19, Hadith 6986