What is the Islamic definition of trade
I understand that Zakaat is not paid on Diamond jewelry, as long as the diamonds are not bought for trading purposes:
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Gold is the thing on which zakaah is due; as for precious stones and diamonds, no zakaah is due on them unless they are for trade purposes.
That extract is from a fatwa on http://islamqa.info/en/ref/20057.
So my question is, what is trade according to islam? Is something considered trade based on intention? Is it not based on intention? What happens if you intend to buy diamonds for non trade purposes, but end up having to sell it due to financial reasons, is that considered trading? Is trade based on time scale, i.e. if you buy something and sell it within a year, that is trade, but if you sell if after a year, that is not trade?
Therefore, I honestly have no idea what Islams definition of trade
is, does anyone here know?