Absolutely! Allah is most forgiving and merciful did you hear the Hadith?
Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A prostitute had once been forgiven. She passed by a dog panting near a well. Thirst had nearly killed him, so she took off her sock, tied it to her veil, and drew up some water. Allah forgave her for that.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 3143, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2245
So yes Allah will forgive sins EVEN ZINA and losing hope in Allah’s forgiveness and help is a major sin also so how do you perform tawbah?
- Admit your sin to Allah
- Feel regret feel remorse be sincere
- If you you can undo it then undo it for example (stealing)
- Promise Allah never to do it again
If all these four things are there Insha’Allah Allah will forgive you. Do not lose hope please Allah is always merciful to his slaves.