After masturbation, I found white spots on my pant (I don’t know whether it is Mani, Madhi or Wadhi). I washed that origin (where that spot was) gently with soap and leave it to dry. The next day I gave my clothes including the pant, to our maid to wash them. After the clothes get dried someone put them back in my wardrobe. When I opened my wardrobe I found still there was a spot on that pant.
Question: If I washed my Napak (impure) cloths a lot and still there was a white-spot will it still consider Napak?
Question: If my clothes consider as Napak and someone puts them back in my wardrobe will all the Pak (pure) clothes that were in my wardrobe consider as Napak (impure)?.
Question: Can I gave my clothes ( those who had white-spot) to our Maid after washing that origin (where that white-spot was)?