I am Muslim but my Step-son is Christian and he eats Bacon and Ham (Pork). Since we live in the same house, Is it allowed to bring Bacon and Ham (Pork) in the house though I do not consume it? Is it permissible for me to buy such food for him with my Halal rizq when he ask for? please advise.
2 Answers
Non-Muslims are addressed by Islamic commandments just as Muslims are addressed by them. This means that a non-Muslim is committing a sin when he does something haram. A Muslim may at times have to tolerate his wrongdoing but he certainly can't assist him with it as that is forbidden:
ولا تعاونوا على الإثم والعدوان
Do not help one another in sin and transgression
It is not permitted to purchase haram food for any purpose ... be it for eating yourself, or for trading, or for gifting to another person. If you come to own it you must waste it.
إن الله ورسوله حرم بيع الخمر والميتة والخنزير والأصنام
Allah and His Apostle made illegal the trade of wine, dead animals, pigs and idols.
— Bukhari
Also consider the following hadith:
لعن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في الخمر عشرة عاصرها ومعتصرها وشاربها وحاملها والمحمولة إليه وساقيها وبائعها وآكل ثمنها والمشتري لها والمشتراة له
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) cursed ten involved in wine: The one who presses it, the one who has it pressed, its drinker, its carrier, and the one it is carried to, its server, its seller, the consumption of its price, the one who purchases it and the one it was purchased for.
It is regarding wine and pork is analogous to it as it is also haram. Helping in any way in its consumption is haram just like consuming it yourself is haram.
IslamQA: It is not permissible to buy pork and feed it to non-Muslims
حرمة الخمر والخنزير ثابتة في حقهم كما هي ثابتة في حق المسلمين؛ لأنهم مخاطبون بالحرمات
The prohibition of wine and swine is established on them (disbelievers) just like it is established on Muslims; for they are also addressees of the prohibitions (of Islam)
والانتفاع بالمحرم حرام، ولهذا لا يجوز أن يداوي به جرحا ... ولا أن يسقي ذميا ولا أن يسقي صبيا للتداوي ... وكذا لا يسقيها الدواب
Taking benefit from a haram thing is haram. Hence it is not permitted to treat a wound with wine ... nor to feed a Dhimmi with it, nor to give it to a child as medicine ... nor to feed it to an animal
No it is haram
Because when Allah makes some things haram Allah make it haram even to buy.
Watch this video on Youtube where Assim al hakeem answers a question about buying haram food for a cat. A transcript of the relevant portion is as follows:
The answer is not. It's not permissible for you to buy canned uh food for your cat which includes pork and dead meat. Paying for that is haram you should not ... buying it is totally out of the question ... definitely you must not buy haram food
I know it is taking about cats but you can understand that the same would apply to a non-Muslim.
Basically he is saying it is haram to buy non halal food.
He's not buying the pork for himself though, doesn't it matter at all? Commented Feb 2, 2021 at 3:58
@SpiderRico You can see the video, even thou it is for cat but the question is almost the same. You can understand it with context Commented Feb 2, 2021 at 5:01