I am intrigued by the world السماواتthat is often used in Holy Quran to describe God creation of skies and the earth. In arabic السماوات means skies, which is not the same as Universe. Sky is the region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth. On the other universe is all existing matter and space considered as a whole. In short Sky is only part of the universe at best not the whole. From the verse below, Almighty Allah clearly treats لسماوات and Earth as separate entities. This gives a concept of a sky above and the Earth below. I also learned that the correct word for Universe is الكونnot samawat.
My question is did God ever mention Universe in Quran? Samawat clearly does no mean universe because if it meant universe, then Earth is indeed part of the Universe. But if sawamat means skies that makes sense because God is talking about Skies and the earth as two object. So my question is did the Holy Quran ever mention Universe? For reference
Sky سماء
Skies السماوات
Heaven الجنة
Universe الكون
As you can see above, the Universe and sky have two different words in arabic.
Verses for references are below
6:1 Skies and earth are treated two separate objects.
3:190, To Allah is all that is in skies and in Earth. There is a lot more that we cannot see in sky but is part of universe.
2:22 Quran talks about Ski as canopy. This is clearly not universe.
4:132, says that to God belongs what is in Skies and what is on Earth.