Muslims claim Jews and Christians changed the original message of God.
Is there historical/scientific evidence that, as claimed by Islam, the Bible (both Old Testament [the Jew bit] and New Testament [the Christian bit]) altered the original message of God in, by definition, everything that contradicts the Quram?
Types of evidence I can think of (not-exclusive list):
- manuscripts dated before the official ones with a version not contradicting the Quram.
- written evidence that the message of Jesus was different from the one reported by the New Testament. Notice the Gospel of Barnabas (which some claim to be closer to the original message of Jesus) was mentioned first as late as the 6th century and the oldest manuscript is from the 18 century, much later than the rest of the documents.
- Paul is often regarded as a distorter but he is pretty much in line with the rest of the apostles of Jesus. So perhaps we are looking at evidence of Apostles' early writings with a different message?
- But if apostles were also corrupted from the beginning, any writing that gives evidence of this.
I am sure you understand that anyone can come with a allegedly "true word" of God and claim that, by definition, anything from before that contradicts this new word has been altered from the "original message", which was "naturally" fully in line with this "corrected" word of God.
Also, from a mere logical point of view, the lack of this evidence of course does not invalidates the claim of Islam regarding the Bible, but it does put a very heavy burden of proof on Islam for such claims.