I think that the hadith entails a situation in which they are more likely to mingle with one another, moreover if that is the case it could also be that one or both of the people involved may resist and not listen to Shaytan. The hadith doesn't say that illicit relatioships will certainly occur, it just states that shaytan will be trying to allure one or both of them into lust, but not succeed.
EDIT: It could be also that a girl may be reluctant to be with a boy in acertain moment (a beautiful girl and a nerd, classical example) and in that case shaytan cannot do that much...
EDIT 2: Many times I've been in these kind of situations, and trust me, even when I wanted, nothing really happened. I live in an environment full of fitnah, but what I personally see is that it is hard even to fall in that specific fitnah EVEN if it is willed. Many claim that it's easy to get a girlfriend and bla blah, but in my case it would be the opposite if I wanted.