This is a simple philosophical question yet I'm not really sure about how to explain the answer : "Is God careful?"
There are only two possible truth to this "yes" and "no". I don't know which one is the correct answer but If you really know it then you should be able to explain the why.
If you agree the answer is "yes", how come? God sees everything, hears everything, knows everything, God even knows the unseen (the future), it is not possible for God to make any mistake at all. For him everything that happened was already according to his plan. Otherwise it would not had happened. Maybe he actually doesn't even need to be careful at all.
But on the other hand, if you answer "no" then it is like saying "God is not careful at all", it is like implying an insult to God. And if you think about it, is there really anyone who is more careful than God?
To support your answer please quote the verses from the Quran. And to make things clear, I do not accept hadits as a reference for the answer for this question, UNLESS the hadith is trying to explain furthermore the verse quoted in the answer and not trying to be the direct reference for the answer (the direct reference can only be from the Quran)