Lets consider this example that there was a mother who had three sons. Those sons went to play some game at morning. Mom reminded them when they left that they should come home by afternoon and should remind each other to come back home.. but she was sure that they would forget while they were busy playing. But by afternoon it was seen that two boys came back as one boy reminded reminded the other. Well even though the two boys could have reminded the third boy they missed it. Is it the mistake of the children to remind the other or is it better mother herself go there by any means to call the third boy?
note: eventhough quran is sent as a message to all of humankind. we know that not every human in the world has got its message or read it. lakh of people died without getting the message in it.
if we were to look through this world we could see thousands of non muslims who are kind and good in every aspect. sometimes i feel why they weren't given hidayath and it really hurts to see them die as a non muslim when comparing with some people who born in muslim families.
the reason i linked to my before question is because, we know that its not because they(non-muslims) know or have proof to disbelieve islam, but they are non muslims because they were taught so by their parents like my mother was taught. usually the word fate has been used as a word for convincing people that, it happened so and so because god has written that way. Even though we know that not everything was already predetermined. isn't that act of saying that Allah has sealed their hearts or saying that that person had a different fate, an act of convincing to satisfy ourselves. Or is it a hole in islam to answer such questions?
so my question is Is it the mistake of ours for not propagating Islam to non muslims or could it be a hole in islam claiming such reasons?
this question is based on the pain i feel when i hear some non muslims i know die without getting the true message we know. i feel there's something wrong with this whole test of life. want to clarify it. hoping to get a fruitful answer.
continuation of this question: if islam is the universal truth why is chrstanity still the largest religion?