The first verses that come to mind are:
The praise of Ibrahim ():
Praise to Allah , who has granted to me in old age Ishmael and Isaac. Indeed, my Lord is the Hearer of supplication. (14:39)
The praise of Sulayman and Dawood ():
And We had certainly given to David and Solomon knowledge, and they said, "Praise [is due] to Allah , who has favored us over many of His believing servants." (27:15)
The reaction of Sulayman () on the statement of the ant:
So [Solomon] smiled, amused at her speech, and said, "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to do righteousness of which You approve. And admit me by Your mercy into [the ranks of] Your righteous servants." (27:19)
The reaction of Sulayman () when he asked for the throne of the queen of saba':
Said one who had knowledge from the Scripture, "I will bring it to you before your glance returns to you." And when [Solomon] saw it placed before him, he said, "This is from the favor of my Lord to test me whether I will be grateful or ungrateful. And whoever is grateful - his gratitude is only for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever is ungrateful - then indeed, my Lord is Free of need and Generous." (27:40)
These last two statements are the only ones -i know of- giving the impression that the thanking happened immediately after the testing of Sulayman ().
Beside this many verses of the quran use words of praise while refereeing to good people (those who have believed and done righteous deeds) like in (7:43, 10:10, 35:34, 39:74)
It is also mentioned as one of the kinds of wisdom given to Luqman:
And We had certainly given Luqman wisdom [and said], "Be grateful to Allah ." And whoever is grateful is grateful for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever denies [His favor] - then indeed, Allah is Free of need and Praiseworthy. (31:12)