I am trying to find any hadiths that can support (and encourage) the argument for muslim men and women to learn to swim.
I have found the following hadiths:
- "Teach your children swimming, archery and horse riding"
- "All things in which there is no remembrance of Allah are frivolity and idle play except for four things, and he mentioned teaching another to swim"
(At-Tabarani, exact reference unknown, i.e page, book, and hadith number)
I would appreciate it if someone could give an exact reference, including original Arabic, and as well as where the source is listed.
Another source:
“Every activity that does not contain the remembrance of Allaah is falsehood and heedlessness, except for a man doing four things: Walking between two purposeful goals, grooming his horse, playing with his family, or teaching someone to swim.”
According the following website:
An authentic hadeeth, with varying but similar wordings, collected by Ahmad (4/144,146,148,222), Aboo Daawood (3/13), Ibn Maajah (2/940), Ad-Daarimee (2/204-205), Al-Haakim (2/95), Al-Bayhaqee (10/13,14,218), and many others
Again, I would appreciate if someone could guide me towards confirming these sources.